
Megan Markle’s secret refusing to photograph her feet

[ad_1] Miscellaneous GMT 10:51 05.05.2020(Updated GMT 11:22 05.05.2020) Copy the link https://cdnarabic1.img.sputniknews.com/img/104249/19/1042491900_0:83:1513:935_1199x675_80_0_0_4e55412141e5db717da7ebd59964a6f1.jpg English – Sputnik News, Opinions & Radio https://cdnarabic2.img.sputniknews.com/i/logo.png Sputnik https://cdnarabic2.img.sputniknews.com/i/logo.png https://arabic.sputniknews.com/mosaic/202005051045351387-%D8%B3%D8%B1-%D8%B1%D9%81%D8%B6-%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%BA%D8 % A7% D9% 86-% D9% 85% D8% A7% D8% B1% D9% 83% D9% 84-% D8% AA% D8% B5% D9% 88% D9% 8A% D8% B1-% D8% A3% D9% …

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أحدث ظهور للفنانة المصرية الغائبة نجلاء فتحي … فيديو

[ad_1] منوعات GMT 13:02 05.05.2020(محدثة GMT 13:10 05.05.2020) انسخ الرابط https://cdnarabic1.img.sputniknews.com/img/104535/48/1045354816_0:324:1399:1110_1200x675_80_0_0_a576e7b765c25b62bc40e20d3988d611.jpg عربي – أخبار وآراء وراديو Sputnik https://cdnarabic2.img.sputniknews.com/i/logo.png Sputnik https://cdnarabic2.img.sputniknews.com/i/logo.png https://arabic.sputniknews.com/mosaic/202005051045354869-%D8%A3%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%AB-%D8%B8%D9%87%D9%88%D8%B1-%D9 % 84% D9% 84% D9% 81% D9% 86% D8% A7% D9% 86% D8% A9-% D8% A7% D9% 84% D9% 85% D8% B5% D8% B1% D9% 8A% D8% A9-% D9% …

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For Twilight fans … a novel on the way to you!

[ad_1] After a long wait, Stephenie Meyer, author of the popular novel series “Twilight,” revealed her intention to launch a new section titled “Midnight Sun” during a television interview on the “Good Morning America” ​​show. The announcement comes 15 years after the birth of the first book that caused a …

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محمد منير يقع في خطأ فادح والجمهور يسخر منه علناً!

[ad_1] وقع النجم المصري محمد منير في خطأ فادح لاحظه جمهوره ومتابعيه على منصات السوشال ميديا, بسبب رسالته إلى المخرجة الراحلة علوية زكي, حيث تمنى لها أن تتمتع بصحة جيدة ووعدها بزيارتها قريبا, رغم أنها توفيت منتصف العام الماضي. وكتب منير, منشورا على حسابه الشخصي بموقع التواصل الاجتماعي “إنستغرام” قائلا: …

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Corona’s advice reveals what Salma Hayek is trying to hide from everyone

[ad_1] Miscellaneous GMT 21:17 04.05.2020(Updated GMT 21:24 04.05.2020) Copy the link https://cdnarabic1.img.sputniknews.com/img/104396/82/1043968277_0:140:2770:1699_1200x675_80_0_0_3167ee8861ca655b4e1a192a74666935.jpg English – Sputnik News, Opinions & Radio https://cdnarabic2.img.sputniknews.com/i/logo.png Sputnik https://cdnarabic2.img.sputniknews.com/i/logo.png https://arabic.sputniknews.com/mosaic/202005041045347800-%D9%86%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%A6%D8%AD-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D9%83%D9 % 88% D8% B1% D9% 88% D9% 86% D8% A7-% D8% AA% D9% 81% D8% B6% D8% AD-% D9% 85% D8% A7-% D8% AA% D8% AD% D8% …

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