
Apple sales rise despite Corona

[ad_1] Apple on Thursday announced sales and earnings that exceeded Wall Street expectations, as CEO Tim Cook said China’s sales “were going in the right direction” as the country’s economy reopened after the new Corona virus. But Cook added that it is impossible to predict overall results for the current …

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Google removed 2.7 billion ads against last year

[ad_1] Google yesterday revealed its quarterly financial results, and along with that, it also revealed its deals with conflicting and bad ads, as it removed more than 2.7 billion ads during 2019. Of course, removing all of these ads means Google will lose significant revenue that it could have made, …

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ارتفاع الوفيات عربياً … وخفض للوظائف في كبرى الشركات

[ad_1] أفادت وزارة الصحة الإماراتية بتسجيل 7 وفيات بفيروس «كورونا» و 552 إصابة ، بعد إجرائها فحوصات لأكثر مش وأضافت الوزارة أن 100 حالة تماثلت للشفاء ، وبذلك يرتفع إجمالي الإصابات إلى 12481 ، منها 105 وفيات ، و 2429 حالةبدورها, سجلت وزارة الصحة الكويتية حالتي وفاة, ليرتفع الإجمالي إلى …

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