
Berkshire gets rid of 8 billion investments for this reason

[ad_1] Last update: Sunday 10 Ramadan 1441 AH – May 03, 2020 KSA 09:01 – GMT 06:01 Published in: Sunday 10 Ramadan 1441 AH – May 03, 2020 KSA 08:13 – GMT 05:13 Source: Reuters Billionaire Warren Buffett, president of the Berkshire Hathaway Foundation, said at the foundation’s annual meeting …

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صناديق «البجع الأسود» تربح بالسباحة عكس التيار

[ad_1] صناديق التحوط التي تطارد الأزمات, تمتعت بعائدات كبيرة للغاية في آذار (مارس) الماضي, لكن المستثمرين يقولون إن استراتيجية الانتظار لأعوام حتى تنهار الأسواق, من غير المرجح أن تجتذب مشجعين جددا.الصناديق التي تسعى إلى الربح من الانهيارات كسبت 57.2 في المائة حتى الآن في عام 2020 – أفضل عام لها …

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Corona’s effect is unusual … but nothing stops America

[ad_1] Economy Al Ain Newsletter Agencies Sunday 05/23 2020 04:20 AM Abu Dhabi time Berkshire Hathaway, owner of US billionaire Warren Buffett, offered an optimistic assessment Saturday of the United States’ ability to cope with crises despite his admission that the Coronavirus virus epidemic may have broad implications for the …

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Warren Buffett loses $ 50 billion in 90 days due to Corona

[ad_1] Economy Al Ain Newsletter Saturday 05/22/25 09:41 PM Abu Dhabi time Berkshire Hathaway, a subsidiary of US billionaire Warren Buffett, was badly hit by the Corona virus and posted a record net quarterly loss of around $ 50 billion today, Saturday, and the company said performance suffers at several …

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Malware targeting Android phones to steal bank accounts

[ad_1] A cybersecurity company warns of “caching software” that penetrates smartphones that run on the Android system and steals passwords for banking and encryption applications. EventBot cache can disguise the body of the Android application Cybersen, a cyber security company, reported that there was “malicious” software on the Android system …

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