
Yellow metal faces resistance at $ 1,750 an ounce

[ad_1] Thank you for reading a story about the yellow metal facing resistance at $ 1750 an ounce, and now we start with the latest, most important details. Gulf Track 365 – Abu Dhabi – Despite record demand for ETFs backed by gold bullion, the yellow metal still faces resistance …

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Microsoft releases a long-awaited new feature

[ad_1] World_digital world The audio tracks played on the phone will be synchronized with the “Your Phone PC” application, there is also a small player that is very similar to the music controls included in “Windows 10”, and the song titles and album art of the Album will be displayed …

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الغموض يلفّ المشهد … تأثير انتشار كورونا في الاقتصاد العالمي

[ad_1] أثرت أزمة وباء # كورونا بشكل كبير على الإقتصاد العالمي نتيجة إجراءات الإغلاق الشامل التي اتخذتها مختلف الدول على الرغم من حزمات التحفيز غير المسبوقة التي أقرتها بعض الدول لدعم العائلات والشركات والأسواق المالية, والتي تعد إجراءات مهمة للتعافي, إلا أن الغموض لا يزال يلف حول المشهد الاقتصادي, فيما …

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European Airways, which operates 5 times, will fly to Abu Dhabi

[ad_1] Abu Dhabi – Mubasher: Wizz Air, the largest low-cost airline in Central and Eastern Europe, has announced that it will begin operating 5 flights through Abu Dhabi International Airport to five European destinations starting next June, becoming the first European airline low cost in operating its operations to and …

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Chinese oil imports up 31% on Russian crude

[ad_1] Last update: Sunday 10 Ramadan 1441 AH – May 03, 2020 KSA 12:23 – GMT 09:23 Published in: Sunday 10 Ramadan 1441 AH – May 03, 2020 KSA 11:57 AM – GMT 08:57 AM Source: BEIJING / SINGAPORE – Reuters Accounts carried out by Reuters based on customs data …

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