
Will the closure be reviewed?

[ad_1] Many actors did not wait yesterday for what the government will announce today on the reconsideration of the general closure, to continue with their “rebellion” against the closure procedures, after taking a “spirit” of the suggestion of the Minister of the Interior and Municipalities, Muhammad Fahmy, two days ago, …

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Conflicting information … Where is the 2021 budget?

[ad_1] Elie Ferzli wrote in the newspaper “Al-Akhbar” under the headline “The 2021 budget: A constitutional obligation without realistic figures?”: “A state of clinical death in which the government lives in Lebanon. At least it is legal and legislative to seek to limit the repercussions of the collapse, the tranquility …

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How will Biden deal with Huawei, China?

[ad_1] Relations between the US president’s administration and the Chinese company Huawei have witnessed unprecedented tensions, as the crisis has intensified between the two parties since early last year following accusations by Washington that the company violated the rights of intellectual property and threatened the national security of the United …

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14 successful voting initiatives to reduce inequality

[ad_1] While all eyes were on the race for the White House, state voters across the country also made a decision on economic proposals that had massive ramifications for inequality. Here are 14 successful voting initiatives that will help narrow the divisions into the millions. Raise taxes on the rich …

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14 successful voting initiatives to reduce inequality

[ad_1] While all eyes were on the race for the White House, state voters across the country also made a decision on economic proposals that had massive ramifications for inequality. Here are 14 successful voting initiatives that will help narrow the divisions into the millions. Raise taxes on the rich …

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