
Roads are closed in various regions this afternoon.

[ad_1] According to the Traffic Control Chamber, the roads cut within the suburb business are the intersection of Al-Bankak, Al-Rehab, the old airport road and the intersection of the airport bridge. The roads cut within the scope of Beirut are Corniche Al Mazraa, Al Rashideen Intersection, Al Istiqlal Intersection, Al …

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Good news for Google Maps users

[ad_1] Google Maps is making some updates inspired by social media sites to encourage users to add content to the app and make it more interactive, according to CNN Business. The new features include making it easier for users to share photos of the sites they visit, and their goal …

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Lebanon. Popular anger is exacerbating and “dangerous” tension between Aoun and the army commander

[ad_1] In protest against deteriorating living conditions and the high dollar exchange rate, protesters in Beirut announced their continued escalation on Tuesday, calling for broader participation in blocking more roads in the capital. For their part, protesters in Tripoli said that the movements continue due to deteriorating economic conditions, emphasizing …

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Russia is preparing to develop the last fuel that appeared in the world, and Saudi Arabia uses it in the new city of “Neom”.

[ad_1] publication date:05.03.2021 | 20:46 GMT | Last update:05.03.2021 | 21:06 GMT | Use of material Reuters Follow RT on Anton Moskvin, vice president of marketing and business development of the Russian state nuclear energy company “Rosatom Overseas”, revealed that there are plans to develop green hydrogen production in Russia. …

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Washington ditching Salameh?

[ad_1] After the thunderous slap he received from the Federal Prosecutor’s Office in Switzerland, which classified him as a suspect in cases of embezzlement of funds from the Banque du Liban and laundering of funds in international banks, will it be the final blow against an American Riad Salameh? The …

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The contacts of “Zoom” in the White House generate concern.

[ad_1] An American political analyst warned the White House not to “ignore” the dangers of using the video calling application “Zoom” for most of its virtual interactions that are not classified as “secret”, noting that two administration officials assured him that this is already being used a controversial application within …

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