Canadian girl shares story of her HIV infection without symptoms


Canada News – As the days passed, health officials began to learn more about the Corona virus. Although there are general symptoms that patients will encounter, some may experience rare and diverse secondary symptoms.

In this context, Daniel MacDonald, a paramedic from Edmonton, shares his experience of being infected with the Corona virus, since his story was a little different from the others because he did not show any symptoms, so he asks residents to adhere to self-isolation even if they believe they only have a transient cold.

Initially, Daniel felt a slight runny nose and tingling in his throat, but although the symptoms were not of great importance, he was eager to isolate himself on Thursday, March 19 for the good of his friends, family, and the people he works for.

On Monday, April 23, she tested the virus and while waiting for the results, she thought it would be negative because the minor symptoms had disappeared, but after several days it was confirmed that she was infected with the virus.

MacDonald says that she felt a mixture of fear and anxiety if someone was sick because of her, so she decided to remain in self-isolation to avoid this, and shared her story asking everyone to adhere to the home to protect others, especially those elderly, to get sick.

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