Canada investigates diversion of its own military technology to Azerbaijan


Canada has announced the opening of an investigation into the fact that Canadian weapons were used in the battles between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Canada is investigating allegations that, in the Nagorno Karabakh crisis, Azerbaijani forces, fighting Armenian forces, used Canadian drone technology that was initially exported to Turkey.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said: “With regard to Canadian military equipment that may have been used, the Foreign Minister has opened an investigation to find out what really happened.”

He added: “It is very important to always respect Canada’s conditions regarding its expectations regarding non-violation of human rights”, noting that it is very concerned about the fighting in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, according to “Reuters” .

The Canadian arms control group Project Flushers said that a video of the airstrikes released by the Air Force in Azerbaijan indicates that the drones are equipped with image capture systems and targets produced by “L Threis Wiskam”, the Canadian unit of “L. Three Harrist Technologies”. .

The “Globe and Mail” newspaper reported that the company obtained a license earlier this year to export seven imaging systems and targets to Turkish drone manufacturer Baykar.

Canada’s Export and Import Licensing Act prohibits the sale of weapons that could be used to commit serious violations of international humanitarian or human rights law.

According to the Project Flushers report, the advanced detection and imaging systems produced by the company, “L. Three Harris Weiskam”, have been used by Turkish drones in various conflict zones in the Middle East and Libya.

The report noted that since 2017, Turkey has been a major customer for “L Threharis Weiskam” products, and at that time the Turkish army was involved in the battles in the southeast of the country and increasingly interfering in ongoing conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Libya.

Project Flushers considered the Canadian company’s decision to supply Turkey with its advanced military technologies as a violation and violation of Canada’s international obligations related to the arms embargo in war zones.

The report was based on data and evidence from multiple sources, as well as media reports and testimonies from various human rights observers, all of whom agreed that sensors developed by the aforementioned Canadian company had been installed on Turkish drones.

The report noted that Turkey has not only adopted the sensors on its drones, but has transferred them to terrorist groups fighting the Libyan National Army, which is a flagrant violation of the United Nations arms embargo on Libya.

The report showed that Turkey’s dangerous behavior, which deepens the suffering of large numbers of people by interfering in the affairs of some countries, makes the supply of military technologies contrary to human rights laws.

The company “L. Three Harris Weisscam” is one of the main producers and exporters of infrared sensors and imaging systems for “drones”, with estimated annual exports of about 500 million dollars.

The company’s systems are distinguished by their great ability to accurately monitor movements on the ground, identify targets and destroy them, either with weapons mounted on “drones” or by providing information to other aircraft to target them.
