“Caesar Law”: Washington targets the commander of the Fifth Corps and the companies of Ibrahim and Al-Ali


On Wednesday, the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, announced the imposition of sanctions against military and government personalities, businessmen and companies affiliated with the Syrian regime, under the “Caesar Law”.

Pompeo said in a tweet: “Today, the United States imposed sanctions on 17 of Assad’s corrupt army, government and businessmen, as well as companies profiting from the conflict in Syria.” “His actions harm the Syrian people and prolong their suffering unnecessarily. UN resolution 2254 is the only way forward,” he added.

For its part, the US State Department said in a statement that, “ as in yesterday’s story three years ago, that is, on September 29, 2017, forces affiliated with the Assad regime killed the less than 34 Syrians in the city of Armanaz, with the support of Russia. Bashar al-Assad dropped thousands of bombs on schools, hospitals and markets across Syria, and many died due to Assad’s sterile pursuit of a military victory against his people.

And he announced that the United States imposed sanctions on 17 individuals and entities, as part of the administration’s ongoing campaign aimed at achieving the goals of the “Caesar” Act to protect civilians in Syria by 2019 and hold Assad and his followers accountable. empowerment for their crimes, including the murders in Armanaz and many other Syrian societies.

The Foreign Ministry has published three listings targeting the Fifth Corps and Bashar al-Assad’s personal and illegal business network, in addition to the 14 listings announced by the Treasury, which target corrupt al-Assad financiers, officials and companies. associated with it.

The ministry said: “We specifically include the commander of the Fifth Corps, a new birth under Executive Order No. 13894, because of his involvement in obstructing the ceasefire in Syria, preventing or preventing it from being reached.”

Additionally, Nisreen Ibrahim and Rana Ibrahim, the adult sisters of Assad’s financier Yasser Ibrahim, were included on the list. He mentioned that the Ibrahim family, led by Yasser Ibrahim, acts as a front for Bashar al-Assad and his wife Asma al-Akhras, squandering money to increase al-Assad and al-Akhras’s suffocating grip on the Syrian economy, while millions of Syrians face hunger.

According to the ministry statement, US sanctions generally do not target trade, aid, or humanitarian activities. And “unlike the Assad regime and bad actors like Al Ibrahim, the United States continues to increase its support for the Syrian people. This includes more than $ 720 million announced on September 24, raising total US humanitarian support to the people. Syrian to more than $ 12 billion since the beginning of the crisis. “

He added: “The administration’s inclusion of corrupt Syrian officials, military commanders and business leaders will not stop except when the Assad regime and its facilitators take irreversible steps to stop the campaign of violence they are leading against the Syrian people. and sincerely implement Security Council Resolution 2254 “.

She said: “Assad’s foreign facilitators have yet done nothing more than encourage those close to his regime and deepen their involvement in the exploitative financial and military apparatus that supports the regime’s survival. The way forward is clear. The people. The Syrian has suffered enough, and the time has come for a peaceful political solution to the Syrian conflict. ” What is required in the Security Council resolution “.

For its part, the US Treasury included businessman Khader Taher (Ibn Ali), Hazem Yunus Qarfoul (Governor of the Central Bank of Syria) and Husam Muhammad Luqa (Head of the Security Committee in Daraa) on its sanctions list.

Regarding the companies, they are: “Al-Ali and Al-Hamza” company, “Castle Security, Guard and Services” company, “Ella Media Services” company, “Ella Tourism” company, “Emma” company, communications company “Emma Tel”, “Emma Tel Plus” company and “Al-Yasmeen Contracting” company, “Golden Star Trading” company, “Syrian Metals and Investment” company and “Syrian Hotel Management Company”. All these companies are owned by businessman Khader Tahir Ali.

Sanctions were also imposed on the Syrian Ministry of Tourism and the Syrian Tourism and Transportation Company, which is officially affiliated with the ministry.

The White House announced that the United States would continue with its policy of sanctions against Syria to increase economic and political pressure on Damascus. “The new sanctions will be part of the ongoing campaign of political and economic pressure aimed at depriving the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of the resources it uses in the war against the Syrian people,” the White House spokeswoman previously said. , Kylie McKinani.

He stressed that “the US administration remains committed to a long-term political settlement in Syria, and the Assad regime and its backers must recognize that a political solution is the only viable mechanism to end the Syrian conflict peacefully.”
