Burning the camp with Hanin … individual problem or “Miliana hearts”?


Antoine ameria

The relationship between the Lebanese and the displaced Syrians is close to an explosion. After Deir al-Ahmar, al-Shouf and Bashri, there was a violent clash in Bhanin-al-Muniyya, in ways that turned into shooting and burning an entire field, which almost killed more than 400 displaced people. .

Reporting and denouncing the attack that took place on the displaced Syrian camp in Hanin city and its burning did not completely cover the gap that has become overwhelming between the Lebanese and the displaced Syrians as a result of the pressing conditions. economic, health and security and crises that oppressed Lebanese are going through, as one of Minya’s sons told the “Republic”, adding: “The Lebanese now look angrily at displaced people who receive all kinds of aid, especially material, since they meet every morning in front of the banks to withdraw them, while our money has become hostage to the whims of the banks ”.

More than 86 families who used to live in the Hanin camp remain today on the ruins of the burned rooms that protected them, waiting for the hands of good to help them and find them a new refuge, despite the rush of many northern people to assure them. temporary housing in Minya, al-Qobba, Tripoli, Mina and other areas in the north.

While everyone awaited the results of the investigations, one of the clients of the Nabulsi Restaurant, where the shooting and riots occurred, confirmed that the conflict and the bullets were between the Syrians and a neighbor of the town who was injured and taken to hospital, and that Information was received after the problems surrounding his death, which angered the young people who set the camp on fire. . However, the deputy mayor of Bahnin Amer al-Buqai, ​​who was visiting the camp, told Al-Jumhuriya: “What happened can only be placed in the category of individual problems between one of the merchants and their workers, which led to the camp fire. Some accuse Hanin’s people of assault and the matter is not true, so no one knows what happened. We have to wait for the results of the investigations, and whatever the state decides, we will take it, because we are under the authority of the law.

And he stressed that “there were no people killed during the confusion, as reported by social networks, but there are a number of minor injuries.”

In response to a question about the arrival of the names of the Al-Mir family during the camp fire, he said: “Ibn Al-Mir is the citrus merchant who had a dispute with some of the Syrian workers who work for him, and that’s why the problems arose. As for the shooting, he denied that the Syrians have weapons in the camps.

After the civil defense teams managed to put out the fire that destroyed the entire camp, the international societies were activated and visited the camp to see the conditions of the families. The director of the Union of Relief Associations in the North, Abd al-Rahman Darwish, said: “Some of the displaced people working in the lemon harvest have created problems between themselves and the merchant they work for, But the reaction that took place is not justified because what is required is to hold the wrongdoer responsible, not everyone.

He pointed out that “there are 86 families, or 400 people, and there are Lebanese families that have opened their houses to take them in, in addition to several families that go to school and there are those that went to Akkar. As an association, we have communicated with the UN and the Ministry of Social Affairs, and there will be unified information for all the families who have fled the camp in order to divide the roles between the organizations.

He indicated that the association provides meals, mattresses, blankets, detergents and clothes will be distributed, and work will be done on organizing the identity documents of the refugees to help them move around and receive aid.

Start a damage survey

International organizations and United Nations institutions have begun to survey the damage caused by the fire in the camp for displaced Syrians in the Hanin area, in addition to initiating a plan to rehabilitate the infrastructure, as part of an emergency plan to ensure his quick return, after completing the rehabilitation process.

On the other hand, several NGOs and local and international institutions affiliated with the embassies, especially the Saudi Arabian embassy, ​​began to send aid in kind to the displaced, including blankets and mattresses, as did the local association “Subul Al Salam” that sent help.

Damage has started to manifest itself in the camp, which includes 93 tents registered with international non-governmental organizations, in addition to local associations serving displaced Syrians, either with food or in-kind aid. Hot water and tanks completely destroyed.

On the other hand, the associations were in charge of finding places to house 93 families, including 468 people.


The army command announced: “On 12/27/2020, an Intelligence Directorate patrol in the city of Hanin – Minya arrested two Lebanese citizens and six Syrians, due to an individual problem that occurred in the city between a group of Lebanese youth and several Syrian workers, which soon turned into a launching A fire in the air by Lebanese youth, who also deliberately pitched tents for displaced Syrians. As a result, army units intervened and patrolled the area, and raids were conducted in search of those involved in the shooting and burning of tents, and the seizure of houses that had been raided with weapons, ammunition and military equipment. The detainees and the seizures were handed over and the investigation began under the supervision of the competent Judicial Power, while the rest of those involved continued to be persecuted to arrest them.
