British official calls for children to be vaccinated against Corona as soon as possible


A prominent British official called for children to be vaccinated “as soon as possible” to keep schools open in the UK, according to the British newspaper The Independent.

Professor John Edmunds warned: “Until we are all vaccinated and include the children here, there will be great risks.”

Experiments are being carried out to ensure the safety of the vaccination program “before expanding it to include non-adults”, but the government has not announced any plans in this regard.

Edmonds, an advisory committee member, “Sage,” said: “Ministers can be assured that some restrictions will be eased due to the lower risk of infection outdoors.

But he explained: “We are all in danger and we can all spread the virus, and I think children need to be vaccinated as soon as possible.

“There have been many disruptions in schools and this will continue until we vaccinate our children,” he added.

Ahead of the long-awaited approval of the reopening of all schools on March 8, Edmunds warned that “the epidemic will grow again, so restrictions must be maintained.”

He told a BBC program: “If we relax the measures to combat the Crown very quickly now, there will be an increase in hospital admissions and therefore we have to reduce the measures very gradually.”

Edmonds cautioned against the swift lifting of the measures, saying: “We will put pressure on the health services sector again and we will see an increase in the number of hospitalizations and deaths.”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is scheduled to announce on Monday a plan to relax anti-Crown measures in England.
