British .. He went out to celebrate his recovery from cancer and died in a street fight.



British .. He went out to celebrate his recovery from cancer and died in a street fight.

British victim John Robotham

British media sources reported that the court is investigating the case of the murder of a former soldier while celebrating his recovery from cancer.

The British newspaper “Daily Mirror”, which released the news, reported that “last February, in the English city of Chesterfield, Derbyshire, John Robotham (23 years old) went out to a disco with his friends to celebrate his recovery from an incurable disease, as he was suspected of having cancer, but tests have shown that he is in good health. “

He added: “At the club, John got into a fight with Connor Rose and other clients. The security men kicked them both out of the building, turning the dispute into a street fight.”

And he continued: “Rose attacked her opponent and hit him in the face with a bottle, causing him to lose consciousness and he fell until hitting his head on the ground with force.”

Witnesses said, Rose said at the time: “He deserves it.” He then fled the scene, and the following night, Robotham succumbed to his injuries.

The security services arrested Rose and charged him with murder, which he denies, despite having previously admitted that he committed premeditated murder, and the trial is still ongoing.

Source: “Daily Mirror”
