British Army commander warns of World War III


Carter discussed the possibility of using the "Robots" In future wars, with the development of military technology that can be used in future wars.

Carter said: "We could have an army of 120,000 fighters, including 30,000 robots, who knows."

Carter, who became a commander of the British Army in 2018, highlighted the importance of remembering those who died in previous wars as a warning to those who may repeat the mistakes of the past.

و: ضاف: "If you forget the horrors of war, the great danger in my opinion is that some people may think that going to war is a rational decision.".

وتابع "We have to remember that history may not repeat itself, but it has a rhythm, and if we go back to the last century before the two world wars, I think without a doubt that there was an escalation that led to a miscalculation that eventually led to a war on a scale we hope we will never see again.".


In an interview broadcast to honor those who lost their lives and were injured in the conflict, Britain’s Chief of Defense Staff Nick Carter said any escalation of regional tensions or miscalculations could ultimately lead to a large-scale conflict.

He added to Sky News: “I think we live in an age where the world has become a place of great ambiguity and anxiety, and the dynamism of global competition is a feature of our time, of course, and I see that the The real danger we face is that we are witnessing an escalation that leads to miscalculation in light of the presence of many regional conflicts. ” In the present”.

In response to a question about whether there is a real threat of another world war, Carter said: “I say it is one of the dangers and we have to be aware of these risks.

And Carter talked about the possibility of using “robots” in wars in the future, with the development of military technology that can be used in future wars.

“We could have an army of 120,000 fighters, including 30,000 robots, who knows,” Carter said.

Carter, who became commander of the British Army in 2018, emphasized the importance of remembering those who died in previous wars as a warning to those who might repeat mistakes from the past.

He added: “If you forget the horrors of war, the great danger from my point of view is that some may think that going to war is a rational decision.”

He continued: “We have to remember that history may not repeat itself, but it has a rhythm. If we go back to the last century before the two world wars, I think without a doubt that there was an escalation that led to a miscalculation that ultimately led to a war on a scale we hope we will never see again. ” .
