Britain approves AstraZeneca vaccine


Britain became the first country on Wednesday to give the green light to the vaccine, the AstraZeneca Laboratories and the University of Oxford, which gives impetus to the vaccination campaign against the high number of cases of the Covid-19 epidemic, especially in Germany, which for the first time recorded more than a thousand deaths in one day.

The new Corona virus has killed at least 1,791,033 people in the world from more than 81 million infections, according to an AFP census on Wednesday, and there are widespread fears around the world that traveling during the summer holidays. New Years will lead to a flurry of infections.

Britain, one of the European countries worst affected by the epidemic with more than 71,500 deaths, is facing a significant increase in infections attributed to a new strain of the virus that has the ability to spread the infection by between 50 and 76% more, according to a British study, and it is being monitored in an increasing number of countries.

On Wednesday, the British Agency for the Regulation of Medicines and Health Products gave the green light to the vaccine developed by the British group AstraZeneca in collaboration with the University of Oxford, and in which the authorities trust to accelerate the vaccination campaign that began at the beginning. from December.

The vaccine was expected well in advance for practical reasons, as it is much less expensive than the Pfizer / Bionic vaccine, which began shipping, and can be kept at temperatures ranging from two to eight degrees Celsius provided by regular refrigerators, which facilitates the large-scale vaccination process.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson hailed “great news” and “a victory for the British flag” and wrote on Twitter: “We will now vaccinate as many people as possible as soon as possible.”

Vaccination will begin on January 4 in the United Kingdom, which has recommended 100 million doses.

On the other hand, according to the European Medicines Agency, it seems unlikely that AstraZeneca will be licensed in the European Union in January.

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