Blood transfusion technology improves the condition of some Corona patients by 30-50%


Al-Akhbar reported that Lebanon is slowly moving towards adopting the technique of injecting people with Coronavirus with the blood of former patients who have recovered and developed immunity against it. Until now, the use of this technology remains limited at the Beirut Government Hospital and several private hospitals, pending the completion of studies related to its success in alleviating the burden of disease.

According to Beirut Hospital Bacterial Disease Specialist Dr. Usimah Dabouni, the hospital’s laboratories have begun to adopt the technique of removing plasma from former patients, along with the significant increase in case registration, indicating that this technique cannot be said to be a treatment, “but it is a means to achieve an improvement in some patients between 30% and 50%, as is the case with several drugs that are used in this field.

Laboratory numbers at Beirut Hospital indicate that about 10 patients have received blood transfusions before. Regarding the limited number, it is due to several factors, among which it stands out that this technique requires the availability of certain conditions, such as age and blood group compatibility, and that the previous patient had “a large number”. It is one of the contradictions, while “the culture of blood donation does not currently prevail among former patients and work is being done to strengthen it,” according to Dr. Aatika Berri, head of the Department of Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health, pointing out in an interview with Al-Akhbar that This technique “is scientifically reasonable and has obtained approval from the FDA (the US Food and Drug Administration) in terms of the possibility of reducing the severity of the disease or the time you carry, or both. ” She said that Lebanon, like other countries, is conducting some studies to evaluate its effectiveness and the extent of its success, because the development of the disease differs from patient to patient. This technique has been tried in a patient who was in a critical situation and her condition has improved, but it is not possible to determine if the cause is this. Injecting it with antibiotics or other factors. “

It is noteworthy that the number of infected who have been cured of the disease so far reaches 5,195 people, so there is the possibility of benefiting from the promotion of the culture of donation among these people to strengthen related studies with the technique of anti-injection technology.
