Bishop Hanna’s Minister of Health: My humanitarian duty is to care for every patient on Lebanese soil


The Minister of Public Health, Dr. Hamad Hassan, responded to a message he received from Archbishop Atallah Hanna and said in a voice message: “His Excellency Archbishop Atallah Hanna, great respect. The bright future of our nation, to confirm together the determination to support our Palestinian brothers in the face of this epidemic, as we were at their side in the great battle. We are as one body, and in this battle the body must be solid and solid against radical tyranny.

He added: “I consider it my human, professional, and moral duty to care for every patient on Lebanese soil, so how if this patient is one of the oppressed and sacrificed Palestinian brothers, and eager for a triumphant return to our first kiss, to the beloved Palestine, Al-Quds Al-Sharif. “

And he concluded: “Thank you, and I am more than yours, for your faith and unitary message, which pioneered the consolidation of the right to restore land and sanctities, and protect Muslim women. .

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