Biden: We will reassess our relationship with Saudi Arabia


US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden confirmed that his administration will reevaluate US relations with Saudi Arabia and end Washington’s support for the war in Yemen and will not compromise its values ​​for the purpose of selling weapons or buying oil. while Human Rights Watch issued a separate advisory to celebrities and investors. Or, contributing to the “whitewashing of the image” of the Saudi government and covering the human rights violations it commits, in two separate statements issued by Biden and the organization commemorating the second anniversary of the murder of the Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, in the consulate of your country in Istanbul, Turkey.

“Two years ago, Saudi agents, believed to be the leadership of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, killed and dismembered the dissident Saudi journalist and resident of the United States of America, Jamal Khashoggi,” the Democratic candidate said in the released statement. on their official website.

Biden added in his statement, saying about Khashoggi: “His accusation, which he paid with his life, was that he criticized the policies of the government of his country.” She continued: “One (in mourning) today with many brave Saudi men and women, activists, journalists and the international community, for the death of Jamal and I repeat Her call to the peoples of the world to exercise their universal right to freedom. freedom “, as she said.

Regarding the steps he plans to take in this regard should he win the presidential election, Biden said: “With the shadow of the Biden and Harris administration (possible Vice President Kamala Harris), we will reassess our relations with the Kingdom, and stop the US support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, and we will make sure the US does not compromise its values ​​for the sake of Sell arms or buy oil, “he said.

Biden went on to say, “America’s commitment to democratic values ​​and human rights will be a priority, even with our closest security partners,” adding, “I will defend the rights of activists, political dissidents, and journalists around the world. to say what they think without fear of responsibility and violence. “

The Democratic candidate asserted that Khashoggi’s death “will not be in vain” and stressed that all owe their memory to the fight for a free and just world, according to the statement.

For its part, “Human Rights Watch” issued a statement warning famous artists and athletes, as well as investors, not to participate in events organized by the Saudi government, noting that Riyadh is pursuing a strategy to attract to celebrities and hold artistic and sporting events to “whitewash” their image and cover up human rights violations. Who commits and spends billions of dollars on it.

The organization announced the launch of a campaign to combat the Kingdom’s attempts to “whitewash its image” and cover up its violations, by informing the sports and entertainment sectors of Saudi Arabia’s human rights record. Do not participate in activities whose objective is to “whitewash” the government’s image.

Michael Page, deputy director of the Middle East and North Africa of the organization, said: “For two years, the Saudi government tried by various means to bury the case of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi through forums and sporting events.” Those who quietly profit from the kingdom risk being accused of participating in laundering Saudi violations, “according to the organization.

The organization called on businessmen to be wary of participating in the process of whitewashing the reputation of the Saudi government, and noted what is stipulated in the relevant UN charters.

CNN tried to contact the Saudi embassy in Washington by email to comment on the organization’s statement and displayed the photo of Khashoggi at its headquarters, but (the embassy) did not respond.

It should be noted that Saudi Arabia had rendered final verdicts against 8 of those accused of participating in the Khashoggi murder and had sentenced them to prison terms of a total of 124 years, and closed the file after the victim’s family you waive your rights.

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