Biden is the 46th president of the United States … and Trump will not back down


Democrat Joe Biden won the US election on Saturday, according to the results published by US media, pledging to be president of “all Americans,” in a victory that comes after he snatched several crucial terms from his Republican opponent. President Donald Trump, who was quick to warn of a “bogus” victory.

Biden’s victory marks a historic turning point for the United States and the world after four years of a presidential term full of political conflict and confusion.

Biden is the 46th president of the United States after his victory in Pennsylvania.

After four days in advance, the former Democratic candidate and Vice President Barack Obama was declared the winner by obtaining the votes of 284 senior electors, which is the limit required to win the presidency, thanks to the votes of the state of Pennsylvania, according to the main media. Americans, headed by CNN and the newspaper. New York Times, becoming the 46th President of the United States.

For the first time in its history, the United States elected a woman to the vice presidency, 56-year-old Kamala Harris, who will also be the first black woman to hold the position.
US President-elect Joe Biden tweeted minutes after announcing that he had won the presidential election over his outgoing rival, Donald Trump.

Biden said on Twitter: “America, I am honored that you have chosen me to lead our great country. The work ahead will be difficult, but I promise you this: I will be the president of all Americans, whether you vote for me or no. I will keep the faith they place in me. “

And the American media announced that the Democratic candidate Joe Biden had won the presidency of the United States, based on the results of the crucial state of Pennsylvania.

And the media said that Biden won the crucial state of Pennsylvania, thus obtaining 284 votes in the electoral college, which needs a minimum of 270 votes to be declared president.

On Saturday, Biden is expected to deliver a speech that could be a “victory speech,” thus becoming the 46th president of the United States.
On the other hand, US President Donald said on Saturday that the Democratic candidate for the US presidency, Joe Biden, “is quick to pretend” as the winner in the elections, after Biden decided the presidential race for the White House .

Trump added in a statement that his campaign will file a lawsuit in court next Monday to challenge the election results that showed Biden winning in Pennsylvania, which gave him the keys to enter the White House.

The US president, who left the White House shortly before announcing Biden’s victory in the presidential race, said: “The elections have not yet been decided,” adding that Biden “is in a hurry to falsely announce his victory.”

And Trump continued in the statement: “We all know why Joe Biden is in a hurry to falsely declare his victory and why the media allied with him are trying so hard to help him: they don’t want to reveal the truth.”

He went on to say: “The truth … is that these elections have not yet been decided.” Trump has repeatedly made unsubstantiated allegations of fraud in the US presidential election.

Who is Biden?
With the tone of US President Donald Trump and his supporters warming in the final meters of the presidential race, his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, was calmer, more balanced and realistic, qualities that reflected his decades-long history with politics. until he finally made it to the White House.

And unlike Trump, a billionaire and real estate mogul who always speaks the language of business and finance, Biden is a veteran politician who preserves the corridors of American politics for decades, and was the second man in America after the former president. Barack Obama, where he served as his deputy from 2009 to 2017 during a period in which their relationship strengthened. Even on a personal level.

Biden has characteristics that managed to attract the mood of the American voter, which he was able to highlight in his speech during the months leading up to the elections.

Biden (77 years old), who became the oldest president in the history of the United States, was no stranger to American political life when he was elected months ago to represent the Democrats in the presidential elections, 47 years ago he entered the Senate of the United States and led his first campaign for the presidential election 33 years ago.
Joe Biden was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, in 1942, and early in his career he worked as a lawyer in 1969 and was then elected to the Newcastle County Council in 1970.

And three years later, Biden became a member of the Senate for the first time in his political career, and at that time he was the youngest senator in the history of the United States, and managed to establish himself in this position 6 consecutive terms.

Biden ran for the Democratic presidential election in 1988 for the first time, then ran again in 2008, but failed both times, and in January 2017 he announced his intention to run for the third race in 2020.

Biden, accused more than once of inappropriate treatment with women, praised his political work during 8 years within the White House as Obama’s deputy, and if this period was one of his sources of strength, on the other hand he was the object of criticism from Trump and his supporters, who have been asking him: Why didn’t you do that when you were in charge? ” As long as you show something from your election program.

According to veteran American journalist Thomas Friedman, who spoke to “Sky News Arabia” a few days ago, Biden “represents a new and diverse America” ​​and will work to “restore the unity of the American people after a state of division created by Trump.” .

Luck may have served Biden when he worked with Obama, the first black president in US history, and then chose Kamala Harris as his deputy in the 2020 elections, who is an Asian Latin American, to flirt with minorities in the United States. starving for equality after critical months and painful incidents, during which American police were accused of racism against blacks. He is trying to banish the racist charges that have personally haunted him for years.

With his divergent and sometimes conflicting positions regarding US foreign policy, especially regarding its military invasions, Biden confuses politicians who are trying to predict the course of Washington’s relations with the world during his presidency, especially after the last few weeks they have raised concerns about the Democrats’ supportive approach to extremist groups. In the context of a Hillary Clinton email leak.

Payne had voted against the Gulf War in 1991, and then again supported the invasion of Iraq 12 years later, before he turned around and became a critic of the involvement of American forces in this invasion, as He opposed the special operation to hunt down Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.

As for what’s most troubling about this foreign affairs record, it’s Biden’s tendency to use diplomacy, not pressure, on the Iranian nuclear weapons issue, after years of severity with which Trump’s weapon went to the ground. deal with Tehran and its expansionary policies in the region.
Kamala Harris … the first woman of America and of African descent
After announcing that Democratic candidate Joe Biden won the US presidency on Saturday, his deputy, Kamala Harris, will become the first African-descendant woman to hold the vice presidency.

Born to Jamaican and Indian parents, Kamala Harris has represented California in the Senate since 2017 and was raised in a Baptist church and a Hindu temple simultaneously.

Harris, 56, was the first American of Indian descent and the second woman of African descent to serve as a senator in the Senate, which has a total of 100 members.

Harris was born in Oakland, California and graduated from Howard University and the University of California from Hastings School of Law. He began his career in the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office, prior to his appointment to the San Francisco County District Attorney’s Office and later to the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office.
In 2003, she was elected District Attorney for the San Francisco area. She was also elected as the California State Attorney General in 2010 and re-elected in 2014.

Harris was considered a major contender and a favorite in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary.

On January 21, 2019, Harris officially announced his candidacy for the U.S. presidency in the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

Within 24 hours of announcing it, Harris set a record set by Bernie Sanders in 2016 for the most donations raised the day after announcing his candidacy.

More than 20,000 people attended his official campaign launch event in his native Oakland, California, on January 27, according to police estimates.

Biden announced his choice of Harris as his deputy in the presidential election on August 11, 2020, the first African American and the first American Indian.
