Biden in his first speech after announcing his victory: I will be president | Phalanges


US President-elect Joe Biden pledged to be “a president who unites and does not divide.”

In his first speech after the US media announced his victory in the presidential election, Joe Biden pledged on Saturday night to be “a president who unites and does not divide.” He also said that the American people “delivered a convincing victory,” noting that today “we don’t see blue states and red states we see America.”

Biden noted that “the people spoke and declared a convincing victory … We won the most votes cast in the history of the American presidential election. We see joy in every city and around the world, and I am honored by all the confidence they have given me. “

“I will not look at the red or blue states, I will see them as the United States of America.” Biden said: “The time has come to put aside the harsh rhetoric and move forward. To do this, we must not see our opponents as enemies, they are not enemies, they are Americans … it is time to heal America.”

He thanked his family, especially his wife Jill, who works as a university teacher and has a doctorate in education, and said: “This is a great day for teachers in America, Jill will be a great first lady and I am proud of she”.

On dealing with the emerging corona virus, Biden said: “You called on the forces of goodness, justice and hope to fight the greatest battle of our life … the battle of the virus and provide medical care for your children. , the battle to eliminate discrimination, defend the planet and the climate and defend goodness. “

Biden added: “Our achievements will not be significant before the virus is eliminated … and we will base our achievements on science and spare no effort to divert the course of this epidemic. I am a proud Democrat, but I will work hard for America. , whether they vote for me or not. “

He said, “We must bring this country’s dream to everyone. America has been affected by the points of difference and we have been making decisions about who we want to be … and today we are at a tipping point. There is an opportunity to build our country. I’m talking about the battle to restore the soul of America. “

Biden thanked all the supporters and volunteers who participated in his campaign, everyone in the field, the mothers who worked on the election campaigns, and the African Americans who supported him.

And the main US media announced that Biden won the presidency, considering that current President Donald Trump can no longer mathematically compensate for the difference between them in the main states.

Trump rejected the results reported by the media, saying, in a tweet on Twitter, “I won the election and got 71 million legal votes. Bad things happened, our observers could not see.”
