Between Trump and Biden … What are the main points of contention?


A “Voice of America” ​​report said that the difference between US President Donald Trump and his Democratic rival Joe Biden, in various files, is very large and leaves voters faced with two completely different options from each other.

Trump’s philosophy and vision for the country, according to the report, is based on the slogan “America first,” through which he began to test America’s relations with former allies and even foreign policy, when he used his executive powers more broadly, which led him to appear several times before the federal judiciary.

On the other hand, Biden supports largely progressive policies, pledging to return the country to a more traditional politics that is not based on massive crowds or statements via Twitter, and focuses more on detailed policy debates and legislation.

On the record of the Corona virus epidemic, Biden and Trump support reopening schools, but Biden supports greater federal action to contain the disease and the imposition of the use of a mask across the country.

The report indicated that the two sides also agree to focus on developing vaccines and treatments to combat the disease, but the difference is that Trump did not focus much on policies to contain the disease, according to the report.

Climate change
The report said that while Trump withdrew from the Paris climate accord, allowing more steps in terms of oil exploration and coal mining, Biden proposed a $ 2 trillion plan to cut carbon emissions.

Although Biden did not endorse the “Green Deal” program proposed by progressive members of the Democratic Party, he did adopt parts of it, in addition to his promise to return to the Paris Agreement and expand the export of electric cars.

Compliance with the law
Trump has made it clear that he is on the side of law enforcement, calling for tough policies on protesters, especially those who use violent tactics, according to the report.

As for Biden, he walked a fine line between calling for order and condemning violence on all sides at the same time, and vowed to support programs that allow police to use alternatives to confront people with mental illness or under the influence of the drugs.

Attempts by the President of the United States are still continuing to abolish the health insurance system known as Obama Cair, which will reduce some of the health benefits that some 23 million Americans receive.

As for Biden, he wants to expand the program by introducing new health insurance programs, as well as lowering the age of admission to Medicare health insurance from 65 to 60.

President Trump has launched a successful tax cut campaign for 2017, with promises of additional cuts in the future. Trump expressed his desire to lower taxes on capital gains and the gains investors make when they sell stocks and bonds that have increased in value. He also considered postponing or exempting payroll taxes as a form of economic stimulus.

Biden made no secret of his intentions to raise taxes on the rich and on corporations. He said he would backtrack on many tax breaks, while promising that the only people who would see their taxes increase would earn more than $ 400,000 a year.

Biden also proposes to increase corporate tax from 21% to 28%.

National security
Trump’s national security vision focuses on isolating and strengthening US forces by increasing military spending and reducing the number of troops abroad, whether in populated or inflamed areas.

As for Biden, he leans toward a more “international” policy, as described in the report, as Biden enjoys strong relationships with America’s traditional allies and is a strong supporter of a US military presence abroad.
