Beirut suffocates and Damascus responds with oxygen


Despite all the siege that Syria is subjected to as a result of the penal code, and in light of the conspiracy of a part of the Lebanese against it and their boycott, Syria has proven to be the first way out for Lebanon, and it is the the only door that opens before him in times of trouble. Despite the fact that this country is suffering a real crisis in the face of the “Crown” epidemic, it did not take long to extend a helping hand to its neighbor, whose “oxygen” was almost cut off yesterday. However, there are those in Lebanon who prefer the death of patients to this assistance …

With the help of Syria, Lebanon averted a true catastrophe, represented by the interruption of “oxygen” in the hospitals, which almost led to a collective crime, the neglect of the State, and its first victims are several Corona patients who are in intensive care rooms and need respirators. According to the information, Health Minister Hamad Hassan uttered a cry and spoke to concerned authorities about the need to act. Acting Prime Minister Hassan Diab refused to communicate with Syria except through the minister and some Lebanese parties that have close relations with the Syrian leadership. Syria was quick to respond to the request of Minister Hassan, who visited it urgently and met with his Syrian counterpart, Dr. Hassan Al-Ghobash, with the aim of finding a quick solution to the oxygen shortage crisis in the hospitals in Lebanon, after a ship loaded with oxygen was unable to unload its cargo due to weather conditions and increased sea waves. The visit resulted in three shipments of oxygen, starting with the first shipment that arrived last night, while the rest will arrive within three days, waiting for the oxygen-laden ship to dock and unload its cargo. In a joint press conference with his Syrian counterpart, Hassan said that “you have nothing but a friend and a brother in distress, so our Syrian brothers were contacted directly, who were quick to show positivity,” announcing that Lebanon it had received 75 tons of oxygen.
Ironically, Syria responded to his call for help, even though Lebanon participated in his strangulation. Lebanon has been practicing deliberate strangulation in its right and in its right, since before the United States Caesar Act was enacted. This law served as a pretext for the Lebanese authority to become a mere implementation of the instructions received from the United States embassy. As usual, the Governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh, oversees the proper implementation of US orders, sometimes in his capacity as Governor of the Central Bank and sometimes in his capacity as head of the Special Investigation Authority. against money laundering and terrorism. financing. In a confidential document that Salameh sent on February 25 to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the “governor” reminded the Lebanese authorities that they must abide by the Penal Code on Syria (Caesar), after the ministry sent on January 15, 2021 a letter. to the commission of inquiry headed by Salama, in which he said that the United States Department of State sent a letter to the department saying that it is studying how to address the processes related to the application of 3 issues of the law. These topics are: buying electricity from Syria, linking Lebanon with Arab markets through Syrian territory and trade in agricultural products. According to the Lebanese Foreign Ministry, the US side accepted Lebanon’s request to exclude trade in agricultural products from the requirements of the law. Despite this, Salameh responded by recalling the steps banks must take to comply with the so-called “realizing potential risks in dealing with correspondent banks, especially reputational risks.” Salameh also recalled that, on June 17, 2019, he had previously sent a letter to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, reminding him of the need to “take swift and timely measures with the relevant authorities regarding what was stated in the United States embassy. book about the government and a number of private oil companies facilitating the supply of oil shipments to the Syrian regime. It contradicts the sanctions imposed on the Syrian state.

Acting Prime Minister Hassan Diab refused to communicate with Syria except through an intermediary

As usual, the “United States and Saudi Arabia” group came to Lebanon to express their displeasure at this step, and their hostility towards it reached the point of preferring to kill people to accepting Syrian help. Among them is the head of the Private Hospital Owners Union, Suleiman Haroun, who said in a television statement that “there are two large oxygen factories in Lebanon that meet the demand, and there is no shortage of this substance.” Harún himself, who was considered one of the first to oppose the interests of the Lebanese population by failing to fulfill his duties in the face of the Corona pandemic, decided, on a political basis, to raise a theory that says Lebanon is happy with oxygen, which means that the Syrian donation is of no use. Later, the Hospital Owners Union became aware of the matter, to issue a statement explaining that “it was clear to us that one of the companies that manufactures and distributes the material last night contacted Hamad Hassan, the Minister of Public Health of the interim government, and informed him that he was having difficulty getting him out of his sources, requesting that he intervene quickly to solve the problem. In fact, Minister Hassan intervened, fortunately, with the Syrian authorities, who promised to ensure the arrival of the material in Lebanon in the coming days, pending the final treatment of the issue.
In any case, yesterday’s Damascus decision is a practical message about what can be done, on many levels, to alleviate the economic and health crisis in Lebanon, as well as in Syria. The steps that Lebanon may be forced, officially or outside the official framework, to take in the coming weeks will undoubtedly reduce the severity of the collapse, or at least the speed of the slide to the bottom.

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