Beirut port explosion: judicial investigator calls for investigation with current and former ministers


Beirut port explosion: judicial investigator calls for investigation with current and former ministers

Wednesday – 10 Rabbi Al Thani 1442 AH – November 25, 2020 AD

Part of the destruction left by the Beirut port explosion last August (Reuters)

Beirut: “Middle East Online”

The judicial investigator in the case of the attack on the port of Beirut asked Parliament to investigate the current ministers and former ministers on suspicion of committing violations or crimes related to the disaster in the Lebanese capital, a judicial source informed AFP yesterday ( Tuesday).
On August 4, the port of Beirut witnessed a massive explosion of hundreds of tons of ammonium nitrate, leaving more than two hundred people dead and thousands injured and destroying much of the capital.
The government resigned due to the explosion, but is still in business for not forming a new government yet.
The judicial source informed Agence France-Presse that the judicial investigator, Judge Fadi Sawan, wrote a letter to Parliament informing him that the investigations he had carried out with current and former ministers raised certain suspicions about their responsibility ministers and their inattention to the presence of ammonium nitrate in the port.
The source confirmed that Judge Sawan asked Parliament to carry out investigations with the Minister of Works in the interim government, Michel Najjar, his predecessors Youssef Fenianos, Ghazi Al-Aridi and Ghazi Zaiter, the Minister of Finance in the interim government, Ghazi Wazni and his predecessor Ali Hassan Khalil, and the Minister of Justice, in the interim government, and Marie Claudekerjm. And his predecessors Ashraf Rifi, Salim Jreissati and Albert Sarhan, considering that the prosecution of ministers is entrusted exclusively to the Supreme Council to judge presidents and ministers.
Soan’s book addressed to the Lebanese Parliament comes after a review prepared by the Public Ministry of Cassation, in which it considered that the prosecution of ministers for violations or possible crimes committed during the exercise of their ministerial functions is the competence of the Supreme Council for the Prosecutor’s Office for Presidents and Ministers, based on previous cases in which the Judiciary suspended the trial of ministers for lack of competence. .
Parliament is the seat of the Supreme Council to judge presidents and ministers.
After Lebanese authorities rejected requests for an international investigation into the blast, they opened a local investigation, which has so far led to the arrest of 25 people, including customs and port officials.
French experts and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation participated in the preliminary investigations.
Judicial sources had revealed that Lebanon had received the report from the American experts, but was still awaiting the report from the French experts.
The Beirut Bar Association filed hundreds of cases with its agency for victims of the port explosion.
The judicial investigator in the Beirut port bombing case asked Parliament to investigate current and former ministers on suspicion of committing rapes or crimes related to the disaster in the Lebanese capital.


Lebanon News

The Lebanese government

