Before his inauguration … Biden: I feel safe Falanges


US President-elect Joe Biden said he feels confident ahead of his inauguration as president next week.

US President-elect Joe Biden said Friday he feels confident ahead of his inauguration as president next week.
After talking about his vaccine plan to prevent Covid-19, a journalist asked Biden if he felt comfortable despite intelligence statements indicating security threats on the day of the inauguration. Biden replied, “Yes.”
“We will use all the resources of the federal government to establish thousands of vaccination centers,” Biden said during a news conference, in gyms or stadiums. The president-elect’s plan also includes the mobilization of 100,000 healthcare providers to administer the vaccines.
“I promise you that we will deal with this situation like never before,” he added.

Wanting to appear as the man in charge after the second indictment, which represents a historic precedent directed at Donald Trump, Biden on Thursday unveiled a gigantic $ 1.9 billion economic stimulus plan.
Biden, who is 78 years old, now wants to show his ability to overcome the origin of this crisis, which is the epidemic that, since the beginning of January, has left an average of more than three thousand daily deaths in the United States, with more than 238 thousand wounded registered every day.
This shocking number, health officials said they expected after the year-end holidays, and the slow start of the vaccination campaign did not stop. As of Friday, about 9.7 million Americans had received the first dose of the vaccine and 1.3 million a second dose. This number is much lower than promised by the Trump administration, which has said it will vaccinate 20 million people before the end of 2020.

Source: Agencies
