Bassil solves it … “We will not participate in the government.”


The head of the Free Patriotic Movement, deputy Gebran Bassil, declared at a press conference that “the movement has no desire to participate in the government”, noting that “our enthusiasm for the French initiative is not only due to the fact that France is a country friend, nor that President Macron has shown all the love, sympathy and enthusiasm, but rather concern because this The initiative, with the commitments it contains, is the logical and practical solution available today for the salvation of Lebanon, and we are with this solution in its general lines because it represents our convictions and our demands “.

And he considered that “today is the fortieth anniversary of the martyrs and victims of the Beirut port explosion, and we share with the believers a prayer for all those who lost their lives, their loved ones or their home, due to negligence and corruption, and as a consequence of the violation of the sanctity of life, which was caused by the hands of evil through the trade or smuggling of dangerous materials, which ended with the bombing of the capital. “

He noted that “the flaw that is being investigated, rebuilt and eliminated must be expedited and fair and not subject to populism and social contact. Otherwise, the people have the right to demand an international investigation, and the government, the governor and the The municipality must work with the required speed before winter, and the people have no right to demand a municipality that meets their needs. ” “.

He added: “Today I thought it necessary to speak because we in the Free Patriotic Movement are very interested in the success of the French initiative and, at the same time, we have great fear that it will not succeed.”

He said: “I understand that there are external parties that want to spoil the French initiative because they have a political agenda focused on sowing chaos or expansion in the region, but I do not understand internal parties that want to link a reform project with various arguments, the Lebanese do so. they want and demand, which is in the interest of their country and its economy. ”

He stressed that “there is a danger for the French initiative of those who reject it under the pretext of sovereignty, or of those who want to intimidate and impose on all Lebanese, in the name of France, a government and a complete project after it,” indicating that “they want to break a constitution and balances, and carry out slaps, misfortunes and interests”. The little one, vindicating the success of the French initiative “.

He stressed that “we are outside of real sovereignty and our national options have accepted the French effort, first because it revolves around a specific reform program, and second because the priority is to get out of the financial and economic crisis without introducing political elements such as weapons and elections that disputes over what could lead to the development of the reform. ”

He continued: “Because of the above, we were enthusiastic about the French initiative and we feared it, neither more nor less, because we know the existence of internal and external parties that want to frustrate it.”

He explained that “the French initiative, in its first phase, was agreed upon by all participants, and includes 3 things:
1 – A specific reform program with a period of 3 months
2 – An “important government” of ministers capable of implementing this program
3 – An international conference in Paris to secure support for Lebanon if it complies with its reforms.

He said: “For our part, we consider that the French initiative is the product of the need for salvation and stability in Lebanon, and it fulfilled the Lebanese demands for reform, and we are among those who presented ideas for this initiative and we accepted it because it coincided with our ideas, which were basically included in our salvation initiative. ”

He remarked that “the current messianic initiative is the result of the conviction that it is not possible to get out of the crisis if it is not through the political reform of the system and the financial and economic reform of the existing model, which means a great process of change, gradual by stages with priority in money and economy, to avoid that the country falls into chaos ”.

He explained that “the initiative that we first presented to the President of the Republic and the President of France, we are interested in having a dialogue with all parties. It is a roadmap of 5 stations, distributed in two routes. The political and constitutional route includes two stations: a national dialogue that deals with the development of the system and, on the other hand, the approach to controversial files such as the defense strategy “. Neutrality, the status of Lebanon and a government of national agreement to complete the implementation of the reform and implement the decisions of the National Dialogue and crown it with general elections. The financial and economic path of our initiative includes 3 stages: agreement on a reform program, a “major government” to implement the program, made up of ministers capable of implementing it, and an international conference to provide mutual commitments for implementation and assistance.

He stressed that “these foundations lead us to a solid civil status, and we have worked on them, and circumstances forced us from November 2019 until today, we postpone the holding of a national conference to launch the” Lebanon Civil Encounter “in the hope of to be announced soon (in October).

He continued: “Regarding the financial, economic and monetary reforms, they are divided into 46 headings. I will not enter their details, but they and the initiative as a whole can be found on Tayyar’s website”

He stressed that “the initiative in its political aspect includes the issue of neutralizing Lebanon for discussion at the dialogue table, and its economic issue includes accelerating the record of gas and oil extraction on land and at sea and demarcation of land and sea borders. with Israel “.

On the question of neutrality, Bassil considered that “in our opinion it is a positive question for Lebanon, but it needs internal dialogue and understanding, regional acceptance and international patronage. The easiest speed is to reach an agreement on neutrality because the capacity of the Lebanese to bear the consequences of the problems of others has reached its limit. Some Lebanese, for example, understood the idea of ​​the existence of the party in Syria and the party. ” Sure, he thinks about returning from Syria and securing his conditions, and we, as Lebanese, must embrace and support such a decision. Furthermore, all Lebanese agree on the presence of international forces in the south, and despite the disputes that sometimes arise over access to private property, the southerners are with the presence of these forces to maintain stability. In the region. We welcome the renewal of UNIFIL. “

He added: “On the other hand, the Lebanese are bound by an international resolution, 1701, and are not ready and unable to return Lebanon as a starting point for guerrilla operations from their land and turn it back into a setting for reckoning. foreign “.

He stressed that “before we were tired of such advances and that they cost us 15 years of war and we advocate for our Palestinian brothers with love and that we and they are working to avoid playing with contradictions and avoid any security breach or alignment. regional, to prevent the camps and Lebanon from any exploitation or penetration that may be Israeli or terrorist. “

He believed that “Lebanon during this period will not endure, as what happened and moved during Mr. Ismail Haniyeh’s visit, because it is harmful to Lebanon and does not serve the Palestinian cause or the return of our refugee brothers to their land. As a result, it increases the risks to Lebanon’s sovereignty and unity, and we will not accept an end that creates a fait accompli. ” Threatened with the existence of Lebanon, its sovereignty, Amnu, Karmo and Keanu “.

He pointed out that “these are examples of a set of issues that we must agree between some Lebanese calmly and wisely, without tensions or challenges, and that lead to the distancing and neutralization of Lebanon from some of the problems in the region.”

Regarding the demarcation of borders, Bassil pointed out that “the demarcation of borders is something we can agree on as Lebanese in the framework of preserving our rights and our sovereignty to ensure the interests of our country without bidding”.

He stressed: “We are talking about completing the demarcation of the Blue Line by land with the dots attached to it, and we are talking about completing the demarcation by sea from 1701 under the auspices of the United Nations and UNIFIL and mediated by the United States.”

He added: “Here we are talking about two jobs, the rights and interests of Lebanon. Lebanon’s rights are not discussed preserving them, sovereignty and resources. As for their interest, it is a matter of discussion among some of us, And I am the one who follows the full interest of Lebanon in finishing the border file on the basis of the demarcation of God just, because it solves one of the pending problems with Israel and restores to Lebanon some of its rights without concessions, because it promotes the stability in the south, on land and at sea, which is something that Lebanon needs and does not cling to UNIFIL and 1701 on this basis, because it encourages and accelerates the process of exploration and extraction of gas and oil in the Lebanese sea Among the avenues for negotiation is the agreement on how matters will advance in the disputed areas, and this is a great door to reactivate our economy and change its downward course. This is not a basic geopolitical aspect. ico and not only technical, and the greatest proof of what happened in Block No. 4.

He said: “With their knowledge, they discovered a tremendous pressure of gas that foreshadows large quantities, and they told us that it is necessary to adopt a quiet drilling method to avoid any gaseous explosion, so the next day we will be surprised that the quantities are few and far between. what is achieved for trade. We understand the situation of international oil companies today in terms of cheap oil prices and the lack of financial use of deep water for its cost. ” “It is high, and we understand reducing the business of companies in the shadow of the Crown, but what is possible we do not know about the geopolitical aspects that dictate that companies delay the exploration and production processes for this, the delimitation can accelerate the gas production in Lebanon “.
