Banking sources expose the role of politicians in blocking the trend | Phalanges


Senior banking sources expressed regret at the insistence of politicians to go ahead with the destructive approach they have been following for some time, so they deliberately put economics in the category of their power struggles, allowing themselves to resort to all devious methods. to hide their crimes, and try to throw them into the court of the Banque du Liban and commercial banks, taking advantage of the crisis of the Lebanese people, their economic hardships and their crises in life, in a propaganda campaign to falsify the facts and ignore the responsibility of the deterioration of the situation.

He pointed out that most of the official and partisan political class deliberately plays with the feelings and instincts of the Lebanese people to incite them to the banking sector and portray this sector as the cause of the crisis, while the banking sector is the first to lose by the political administration that has not been able to adopt internal and external policies that guarantee stability and political, security and social relations. Good with the Arabian ocean and the world.

And while I warned that promoting these policies would push things to the point of no return and total collapse, thereby undermining the foundations of the state, society and life in Lebanon, he called for an immediate halt to these policies and a return to conscience, reason, logic and science, so that the authority would recognize its excessive errors and deliberately extend the hand of cooperation with all. Economic sectors, especially the banking sector, for a gradual exit from the crisis and put Lebanon on the path of sustainable solutions.

Banking sources ceased, especially when the controversy surrounding the criminal financial audit and what was accompanied by the signing of the contract between the Lebanese State and Al-Faris and Mersal Company, which led to the announcement of the company of its withdrawal from proceed with the execution of the contract, indicating that it should stop at the following:

How is a specialized company allowed to sign a contract without checking its content and justifications? The contract signed by the company with the Ministry of Finance on behalf of the Lebanese government stipulated that the company would conduct its criminal audit “under the roof of Lebanese laws.” Is it permissible for a company specializing in forensic auditing not to review the aforementioned Lebanese laws to find out their content and therefore the roof under which it will operate? Is it allowed for such companies to professionally accept a mission that you do not know its terms and do not know in advance, especially the Monetary and Credit Law that established the Banque du Liban, which is covered by the audit task, and the current bank secrecy law in Lebanon for many decades? Is it permissible for a company specializing in forensic auditing to be surprised by the laws after signing the contract? Is it possible for a specialized company to get involved in a project before analyzing the legal environment in which it will operate?

Under what logic does the official and partisan political class intend to hold the Banque du Liban responsible for obstructing the criminal financial audit on the pretext that the bank insists on adhering to the bank secrecy law and the cash and credit law, and to the At the same time it proposes a law to modify the bank secrecy law so that the coverage of accounts related to criminal financial auditing can be removed? ? The mere proposal of such a law confirms that the Banque du Liban complied with the laws in force and did not violate any of the laws.

The Banque du Liban had previously sent the Ministry of Finance an official request that includes providing it with the ministry’s permission to lift the bank secrecy of its accounts as an alternative to amending the bank secrecy law, shortening the time and removing its liability for any obstruction in criminal financial audit. Despite the passage of more than three weeks, the Ministry of Finance declined to send its approval. By what right and with what logic does the Banque du Liban accuse the Banque du Liban of obstruction when it has endeavored to find solutions that combine respect for the law and the performance of criminal financial audits?

The sources concluded: The aforementioned is only the tip of the iceberg of the practices and maneuvers of the political authority that the Banque du Liban intends to speak about and reveal its details to the Lebanese public through the media because the bank and its governor, Riad Salameh, insist on reducing the damage of political disputes over financial, monetary and economic conditions. Even at the expense of the false and smear campaigns to which they are exposed. Will the day come when political officials fear God and come to their senses and assume their responsibilities?
