“Balha” director dies in Sisi detention center


Egyptian activists and human rights defenders reported the death of Habash, 22, in Tora prison, after his health had deteriorated dramatically in recent days. The non-governmental organization “We are registering” said that the prison staff did not interfere, did not provide medical assistance and did not transfer him to the hospital, despite questions from his fellow detainees.

Habash was arrested in March 2018 after releasing the satirical political song “Balha”, noting that Balha was the nickname given by anti-government activists against Sisi. His words say: “Oh sweet, my dates, my suppressor. You saved your four years. For a long time you were your hero, and we were bored with the salvation of your creation. My God illuminates your baldness and afflicts your fortune with preaching. I grieve in your hand, your authority and illuminate the prison of the farm. “

After the song was released, the police began arresting the musicians associated with it, and seven of them, including Habash, were accused of spreading false news, joining a terrorist organization, abusing social media, missing him. respect for religion and insulting the military. Since his arrest, his detention is renewed.

As a result of the brutal crackdown by Egyptian authorities, the young Mustafa Gamal, a student with experience in managing social media marketing, was arrested for the song, although the owners repeatedly said that his only relationship with them was to help the singer. Rami Essam to document his Facebook page. The year 2015.

In fact, the President’s ridicule and sarcasm are criminalized by law in Egypt. In 2015, for example, a student was sentenced to three years in prison after posting a modified image of Sisi with Mickey Mouse’s ears on Facebook.

In addition, Egyptian media activists republished influential Habash words, including what he wrote last October in a message in the spoken dialect: “Prison cannot die but unity dies, I need your support, because it is not possible, I tried to resist everything that happens on my own. ” Take out the same person you know, but are not capable. The concept of resistance in prison is that you resist yourself and keep it away from what you live every day, and simplify that you go crazy or die slowly, because you are in the middle of what you say two years and forgotten and not you know when you will go out and when.
