Bahaa Al-Hariri: A businessman … “a political orphan”?


Bahaa Al-Hariri, the new savior of the oppressed sect. This is what some media lacked to say about Prime Minister Rafic Hariri’s eldest son. Soon, the man became a “valuable catch” for those who carry the “business” agenda behind his media identity. Also, soon, it became an opportunity for some old receivers, who were not included in the grace of appointment to leadership positions. With the two categories, “scattered”, the curse unites them over the “House of the Center” and its loyal apparatus. However, the totality of these people cannot create from Bahaa Hariri a political situation, or a leader, as long as the local, regional and international context is not available, in addition to the battle to acquire the remaining Hariri legacy needs an integrated system : money, tools, factors and vision. Are you insured?

Interaction with Bahaa Al-Hariri in the suburbs remains weak (Haitham Al-Mousawi)

Those of the ten brothers, “Baha and Saad”, know that the nature of generosity is not a common characteristic between them. It means that the first person has no “money to pay” to be disbursed to anyone and whatever. Even if he wanted to enter the world of politics from the “hunger” that threatens Lebanon, he is not the sumptuous type, which means that his ability to penetrate the scene will be limited.
It is no secret that the only wealth that was transferred to the children after Hariri’s murder is their money. However, the former prime minister is ahead of his brother by having all the political and media environment that accompanied his father, and remained with him until 2012. This footnote helped Hariri to sit on his father’s throne. and maintaining a broad audience that gradually declined with setbacks and defeats, as well as failing to provide an experience in power, together with other partners, has improved the lives of Lebanese residents. As for Bahaa Al-Hariri, in his uprising he only owns his brother, Daniel Al-Ghosh (his adviser known as “Jerry Maher”) and the lawyer Nabil Al-Halabi, and with them the former minister, Ashraf Rifi . In practice, these are without any real great benefit. However, Baha Al-Hariri’s “murdered” project is his advisor. Is there anyone who believes that a political project for which it is known that their positions demanding the attack by the Israeli enemy from Lebanon can be transmitted?

Client Ziyad Al-Homsi is among the team assembling Baha Al-Hariri

“Bahaa Al-Hariri insists on entering political life and he will land in Lebanon in two months,” according to people close to him. This may be true if the narratives presented by the “blessed” are correct, such as the former minister, Wiam Wahhab. But those who are already familiar with the matter claim that Baha Al Hariri is an orphan regionally and internationally, and that there is no one to sponsor him, not Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates or others. Basically, “in light of the war with the epidemic and the war with the economy,” who will invest in a country like Lebanon in its current state? What is certain is that Bahaa Al-Hariri arrived too late, especially since the country is in a period of “drought at all levels”, and there is nothing here to pick it up. It is enough that the Saudi ambassador Walid Al-Bukhari, in “mud”, the brotherhood conflict and the movements to renew loyalty in the streets of Beirut and the tension in the future street, visit “Wadi Abu Jamil”, knowing that ” Bahaa “was the alternative to” Saad “on the day Riyadh carried out his coup d’etat by kidnapping the Prime Minister of Lebanon. And he forced him to resign in November 2017. At best, “Bahaa could be just a trip to exaggerate Saad,” meaning “it put him all the time under the pressure of anxiety to leave him permanently.” .

False help?
Weeks ago, two people in the “Saadnayel” area received a call from a friend, informing them that a “philanthropist” intends to distribute food rations in the area, and that they are invited to a meeting to celebrate an agreement with them. to take over the task as they are trusted. After everyone arrived at the agreed place, three black SUVs arrived, one of whom was a young “activist” in the “Revolution” (AA). The latter told his guests that “he is acting under the leadership of Sheikh Bahaa, and that everyone should know that the right of the sect is wasted and that we want to restore our rights, and the Sheikh will take care of that.” Those present who responded to the invitation were surprised, as it was a “good deed”. These people said: “People are hungry and are no longer interested in political conflicts, weapons or anything else.” But the “activist” insisted on the matter and stated that “Bahaa was the one who was providing logistical assistance from the stores, eating and drinking in the uprisings in Qeb Elias, Marj and Majdal Anjar.” He asked the attendees “and how do you want to fight this battle”, and replied that “there is a team that we are working to assemble”, citing among the expected work team the former mayor of Saadnayel, Ziyad Al-Homsi (convicted of the crime of dealing with the Israeli enemy). The latter is known to come from “various jobs”, former Minister Ashraf Rifi. But the latter’s sources told Al-Akhbar that “he has not yet contacted Bahaa, and that we are not concerned with everything that is said.”
It still doesn’t seem like the man is acceptable. In one of the central cities of Bekaa, for example, one of the mukhtars refused to distribute aid on behalf of Bahaa al-Hariri, while security sources indicated that a promotional meeting was held for Baha al-Hariri days ago. in western Bekaa, but interaction with him was very weak. They noted that speaking of aid distributed by “amplified,” we sometimes hear about false amounts and see nothing of them. However, Hariri (Bahaa) resonated in the areas of “Bar Elias and Marj, until reaching Majdal Anjar”, but with “a small percentage of those who did not believe in Saad Hariri, not all”. Others don’t want to get into this conflict. “
The movement carried out by Bahaa Al-Hariri created tension in the current of the “future”, which mobilized with a few, renewing President Saad Al-Hariri, “the promise of loyalty” on the streets of Beirut. In fact, until last night (before the visit of the Saudi ambassador), panic prevailed that the Kingdom would seek a second coup, but Bukhari, who landed in the hospitality of its president, temporarily inhabited them. But Hariri has yet to be reassured. Information about him reaches the new path, distributing help on behalf of Baha. On the other hand, “Sheikh Saad” trusts the president of the Beirut Development Association, Ahmed Hashemia, whose photos were uploaded with Hariri in the capital. Hashemite has received since the days of the lawyer Muhammad Yamout at his house, since according to the information, he will be appointed to replace Ziyad Amin, who was in charge of judicial and security affairs in the General Secretariat for the Future Movement, “given Amin’s relationship with people close to Bahaa Al-Hariri. ” This behavior, if it indicates anything, indicates concern, anxiety that “Baha cannot fight a political battle in Lebanon, without the blessing of Saudi Arabia.” If that were true, Saad Hariri would have to fight a battle that he never imagined would be imposed on him, and he could not imagine the alliances that would be resolved.
