Babylon Municipality Announces Curfew Two Weeks After Corona Virus Infection Discovered


The Crisis Cell announced in a statement, the city of Babylon in the southern Zahrani region, that it had decided to “curfew and avoid meetings in all neighborhoods of the city, and municipal police were given orders to monitor the minutes and fines for criminals, “and a list of volunteers was made available to parents” to ensure their daily needs. “

He addressed the townspeople and noted that “all those who are in contact with the affected case or any other emerging situation must adhere to the stone of the entire house, for a period of not less than 14 days, and it is not exempt of this decision, which are subject to a PCR examination, even after testing their negative result, and in case of any symptoms, please contact the crisis cell first (number 03717535 Dr. Hussein Hoteit) and then the direct line 01594459 of the Ministry of Public Health, and it is forbidden to open any of the institutions within the city, except those related to food, medicine and communications According to the distribution, the municipality will work to secure the telephone numbers for the delivery service at home. Geographical home. “

And he emphasized that “all families must comply with the home delivery service, for a period of two weeks from today (extensible), and this includes the needs of food establishments, butchers and ovens, and is strictly prohibited that townspeople enter pharmacies or telecommunications stores, except in a situation of sterilizations of jaws and hands when entering and leaving, while maintaining a safe distance between people, at least one and a half meters. “
