Author obstacles are difficult for internal solutions … and the Diab government is a candidate to repeat the role of a peace government


Omar Habanjar wrote in the Kuwaiti daily “Al-Anbaa” under the title “Al-Ra’i, escalation of the Christmas Mass in the absence of the President of the Republic for the first time:“ The people demand a change ”:“ If the reasons for not forming the government are internal, the calamity is great, because it reveals irresponsibility. If its causes are external, then the calamity is greater, because it exposes loyalty to others than Lebanon, and in both cases people feel that change has become an urgent matter, to slow the march of national collapse.

These words were from the Maronite patriarch Bechara Al-Rai in the sermon of the Christmas mass in Bkerke yesterday morning, with whom President Michel Aoun was lost for the first time for health reasons related to the Corona virus, according to the statement issued by the Republican Palace, while Bkerke saw this absence as a response to the Patriarch’s birthday message on Wednesday. The past, in which he asked officials to “free the families of Lebanon.”

In his Christmas sermon, in the presence of former presidents, ministers and deputies, as well as country ambassadors, the sponsor stated: “We hoped that the fight against corruption would strengthen our national unity, so we were surprised that this unity was shaken and returned to the country to previous stages that we had started ”. He said: “We hoped that an independent judicial investigation would lead to the bombing of the port fostered greater national cohesion and we were surprised by its transformation into a struggle between the judiciary, the security services and the constitutional institutions. We expected that the political authority would be quick to accept the recommendations of international conferences and the aid of donor countries and to initiate reform projects to halt the collapse. We were surprised by the interruption of reform plans and the abortion of international initiatives and conferences held for the sake of Lebanon’s rebirth.

Al-Ra’i added: “We expected officials to quickly form a government that would meet the challenges in order to reactivate the state, institutions and decision-making. So we were surprised by the establishment of conditions, counter-conditions and new standards, and by linking the formation of the Lebanese government to the conflicts in the region and the world, so we decided without a constitutional procedural authority and the collapse increased. Considering the powers, standards and distribution of portfolios is important, but considering the people are more important than everything, and even more important than people.

He believed that “if the reasons for not forming a government are internal, then the calamity is great because it reveals irresponsibility, and if its causes are external, then the calamity is greater because it exposes loyalty to others other than Lebanon. In both cases, people feel that change has become an urgent matter to stop the march of national collapse. What conscience makes it possible to link the rescue of Lebanon to conflicts with which we have nothing to do, neither closely nor far? How we wish that His Excellency the President of the Republic and the President-designate form a single team that surpasses all parties and liberates, even temporarily, from all pressures and cooperates in the formation of a government of non-political specialists. They will win the trust of the people and the world, and they will rise up in Lebanon and become an example in the renewal of the national alliance, but our wishes collided with the creation of conditions that have no place at this stage, and no there is justification for them in the government of specialists. We must be honest with people, what is the advantage of those responsible for the fateful crises, and what crisis is greater than this crisis? “

With Bkerke joining the other Christian political forces calling for change through early parliamentary elections or otherwise, there is talk of forming a government, now and now, and this situation may extend until after the departure of US President Donald Trump. from the White House, where much evidence has emerged suggesting that an interim government The actions that President Aoun and his allies took since the fabric of March 8 will likely repeat the role of the Tammam Salam government after the end of the mandate of President Michel Suleiman, as a corporate banker.

Internal obstacles and their phenomena seem insurmountable to internal solutions, even if “the one that has connected us in a network will save us”, because the problem in its inner face has surpassed the energy of the symbols that interconnected them, consciously or unconsciously, after the trembling of the French initiative and the disappointment of the Maronite Patriarch Bechara Al-Rai, despite the entry of Pope Francis in The line sent his Christmas message directly to the Lebanese, all of which indicates that the treatment of the Lebanese case is more beyond the capabilities of local chess stones.

Worse than the collapse of the opportunity to form a government is the terrible dispute between the leaders of the Free Patriotic Movement and their peers of the Future Movement, and the effort of each of them to place the charge of obstruction on the other, despite what happened under the sun.

The deputy Ziad Aswad, a member of the “Strong Lebanon” bloc, opened “apostasy” with a tweet that read: “The first to destroy the country with financial ruin since the days of late spring and its corruption, and what my beloved of its history and its failure do not forget, come the days of Eid and leave us “.

The answer quickly came to Aswad from Mustafa Alloush, a member of the political bureau in the “Future”, who is in Paris, who directly targeted the head of the movement, MP Gebran Bassil, as well as Representative Othman Alameddine.

Alloush spoke about the squad of petty saboteurs led by Gebran Bassil, saying: “Crown Prince Basil is determined to put the last nail in the coffin of the coffin afflicted with a refractory disease.”

As for Alameddine, he continued the attack by telling Bassil: “Since you climbed into politics on your uncle’s shoulders and you see obstruction as a culture to be reached, what your uncle is allowed will not achieve. , and inevitably a quarter of a minister in the next government will not write to you. “

MP Sami Fatwa followed them, saying: “When you hear hooligans working in politics, and for those who see black crows attacking a person the size of Rafik Hariri, you know the extent of the unconscious experienced by some political parties.”

Al-Jadeed TV joined the confrontation in terms of criticizing Sayed Bkerke’s estrangement and in the context of President Michel Aoun’s absence from Christmas Mass in Bkerke yesterday for the first time in the history of the Republic. A dynasty described by the Future Movement as “bats”, and these turned against the initiative of the sponsor to get out of the government crisis, and behind those stab wounds, they set the trap of falling into a well of optimism in which the Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri. And with each obstruction accusation, the Baabda Palace rises into the night, detailing the negative statements that the charges are dropped, making Gebran Bassil a “composition guardian” angel, and that 14 rounds are enough for Hariri convinces that the “palace choir” is the one he wants to compose. “I hope a president will play the role of” extras “, and Hariri will only have to keep his channels open with Bkerke and the nearby church will heal.”

Hizbullah announced yesterday, through its Chairman of the Executive Council, Hashem Safi al-Din, and through the Al-Manar Channel, that the party wants the government of today before tomorrow, and affirms that the country needs a government that works and that the party does not pressure anyone.
