Austria and France strikes … There are no “safe” havens for the Brotherhood in Europe


Austria’s attacks on the terrorist Brotherhood gave practical confirmation of the beginning of the end of the terrorist Brotherhood organization in Europe.

In separate interviews with Al-Ain Al-Akhbar, experts regarded Austria’s painful attacks on the Brotherhood as evidence that “Western countries have recently realized the danger of the Brotherhood’s organization in their societies and have become rejecting any extremist practice, thus losing any legitimacy for the presence of terrorist entities on the ground “.

Yesterday, Austrian police carried out raids in 4 federal states, including Vienna, against individuals and associations linked to the terrorist Brotherhood and the Palestinian Hamas movement, in an operation that Austrian newspapers initially said was “Ramses” for which the Police had been preparing for two years, but the Austrian interior said it changed its name to “the shortest”.

Cut out the safe havens

Brigadier General Khaled Okasha, director of the Egyptian Center for Strategic Thought and Studies, told Al-Ain Al-Akhbar that Austria’s move, which France preceded by weeks, is very important in cutting down the Muslim Brotherhood’s safe havens.

Okasha hoped that the strikes in Paris and Vienna would spread to the rest of European countries, explaining that by saying: “We are talking about two important members on the European continent, not far from other countries, who suffer from the presence of Al-Ghukhani it works with the same mechanism in most of these countries in a similar way. ”

He added: We found that these countries are now taking an advanced position that they had not taken before, and it will have great effects in terms of overthrowing safe havens, especially in Austria, where the Brotherhood has always had great influence and controlled multiple activities for two generations. since the beginning of the middle of the last century.

He continued: For the first time European countries speak of the entities that feed this presence of the Brotherhood, whether they are charitable or Islamic societies, as well as the issue of control of mosques, and all of them are ways that give freedom of movement to the Brotherhood and they bring with them flows of money that used to hinder their negative influence.

According to Okasha, France and Austria are speaking for the first time about Islamic entities running centers and activities of existing Muslim communities, and it has been discovered that they are laundering money along lines announced by the Attorney General.

And the security expert considered that the Austrian maneuver triggers the alarms in the regulatory agencies in Europe and makes the matter take a different picture, noting that the terrorist group before the Austrian attacks was partially under siege because many European countries considered these allowed. activities provided that weapons or direct terrorist operations were not carried, but now European countries have realized that those who carry weapons need an incubator behind them that gives them shelter, and feeds them with the thesis of hatred and extremism and denigrates the other.

Speaking of Germany as a third example in the terror group confrontation, Okasha said: Germany has not yet announced major steps, but has announced similar security activities taken against Hezbollah, in the context of corporate hedging, money laundering, providing safe havens. , and has carried out an arrest and deportation process for associations and companies that have proven to be involved. In Tempel, Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Plow

More difficult dilemmas

Tariq Abu al-Saad, a writer and researcher specializing in extremist movements, said that “the international organization of the Brotherhood is facing a severe dilemma, more painful and deadly than 2014, in light of the conversations about the danger of terrorism in the West” .

He pointed out that the idea has become fashionable that Islamists, regardless of the names, be it ISIS or Brotherhood, but in the end represent terrorism by embracing revenge or jihad that they wish to throw into Europe.

“Abu Al-Saad” linked the Vienna attack that killed 5 people and injured people in the center of the Austrian capital last week, and the attacks that Austria led against the Brotherhood.

He said: The young man who committed the crime is of Albanian origin, is related to the Islamist situation and belongs to ISIS, and that is why Europe has realized that all Islamic centers in Europe are controlled by the militant Islamic tendency, be it the Brotherhood, ISIS or others, and charities that offer righteousness and mercy within them. Membership and recruitment, especially Brotherhood organizations that hid behind the defense of Muslim rights.

He added: We have reached a point where the West has realized the danger of Islamists, be they brothers or others, and no distinction is made between those who show or hide their terrorism by stating … So we see that the The focus is on the groups that are invading Europe and their owners are trying to speak on behalf of Muslims, so the aim of these attacks is to prevent extremists from controlling the moderate Islam represented by Al-Azhar and religious institutions officers in Islamic countries.

On the effects of the Austrian strikes on the Brotherhood’s international organization, Abu Al-Saad explained: The Austrian raids will mainly affect the movement of funds within the organization, as well as their ability to defend themselves, after they face rejection. of their ideology and organization that is detrimental to coexistence and peace in the world.

During raids in Austria yesterday, which targeted individuals and associations linked to the terrorist Brotherhood and the Palestinian Hamas movement, police searched 60 apartments, houses, a business headquarters and a club.

As a result, the police arrested 30 people, who were brought before the authorities for “immediate questioning”.

According to the prosecutor’s office in the Austrian city of Graz, the Brotherhood’s stronghold, the Brotherhood “even if it speaks publicly about renouncing violence, investigators believe it is in contact with terrorist groups, such as the Palestinian organization Hamas.”

The Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that these measures are not directed against Muslims, but rather seek to protect Muslims “who are being used to spread ideologies against the constitution.”
