As if he were not here … Aoun opposes the “pact” and opens the war


As if it had just continued, and it wasn’t until October 17. He went out to people complaining about their worries and concerns. He is the one who has not changed, and knows how to place himself in the category of being exposed to a global war, or to the plots of nations.

Ten days before the fourth anniversary of his election as President of the Republic, President Michel Aoun decided to return to his old speech, the speech of the head of the opposition parliament or the speech of the exiled politician, or chose to return before 1990. Michel Aoun is himself an army commander, a political opponent. He was exiled as head of a parliamentary bloc, owner of the largest ministerial bloc in more than one government and president of the republic. Speak as if there are none of all these places. He came out to say that he is an opponent, if not the fiercest opponent of all pacts, including his own. The content of the speech is a return to the crisis of Gebran Bassil, “They did not let me”. He renounced his powers or his “strong” character saying: I have no executive or legislative authority, I can no longer do anything and we have reached the end.

Spanking courtesy
Aoun threw the ball into the court of others. He personally cannot cancel parliamentary consultations. Saad Hariri is part of the assignment role that Aoun refuses to extract from him. That is why he wanted to create a political problem with all his might, perhaps shuffling the cards and aborting the consultations. Therefore, the Hariri allocation process is aborted.

Aoun wasn’t comfortable, so he resorted to putting reps before their responsibilities in the startup and drafting process. The weakness will be more apparent if consultations are held on time and Hariri is appointed. Aoun was asked if he considered that Hariri was incapable of forming a reformist government, and he replied: “I said what I said, and everyone has a known political history. I say this is polite.” Aoun did not want only to hit and shame Hariri, but he used the defensive strategy card again, in an attempt to confine Hezbollah, so he considered that after the formation of the government he would call a meeting to discuss the defense strategy, and other topics.

Old books and account inventories
Aoun began his speech from the wide range of transformations in the region, believing that events would change events. Ask about Lebanon’s position regarding these great transformations, so that it is not receptive and ineffective in what we are witnessing, so that they are the fragments of the table of the main interests and understandings. He described his speech as a word of frankness to the Lebanese, “understanding the pain of the people.” He used it to re-attack the political forces he had allied with for years. Now he appears again with promises of anesthesia, because “the reform has remained a mere reform that officials repeat while harboring the opposite.” Here he assigned the responsibility to the entire political class, isolating himself from it. This is the intention of Saad Hariri, Walid Jumblatt and Nabih Berri, whom he considers to have formed an alliance against him.

Aoun considered that due to personal interests, corruption in Lebanon has become institutionalized and systemic, rooted in authorities and administrations. He described himself as the bearer of the reform project since his return from exile in France, considering that his confrontation had come from the parties affected by the reformist path. And according to the logic of the best method of defense is attack, Aoun decided to attack all political forces and absolve himself (and his movement and his brother-in-law implicitly), having His partners in government and all those who elected him president are responsible to interrupt development projects and economic plans, the electricity project and protect citizens and their rights to health and life. Returning to his old notebooks, he attacked the Ministry of Finance, the Fund for Displaced Persons, the High Relief Commission, the Council for Development and Reconstruction, the Council of the South, the Bank of Lebanon and its governor. These are positions that it has repeated in all its meetings since after the October 17 revolution, considering that those responsible for the collapse are Nabih Bebri, Walid Jumblatt, Saad Hariri and Riad Salameh. Today he chose to bring this position to light, knowing that he had previously approached all of his interrogators, assuring them: “You are preparing an inventory of accounts for your opponents and will place them in the impeachment column, holding them responsible for the entire collapse and obstructing its reform process “. This speech will have many political consequences in the next stage, confirming that Lebanon will not go to settlement or appeasement, but to more battles, tensions and political wars.

Hariri cut
On the issue of government formation, Aoun said: “Today, I am required to participate in the process of appointing and forming a head of government, asking if those who will be assigned and will compose will adhere to the reform program, and you , parliamentarians, have the responsibility. ” He added: “I have said my word, and I am not going to walk, and I call on the deputies to take responsibility for the reflection of the mandate on authorship. I will continue to assume my responsibilities in the commission and drafting and in each constitutional position and position. , in front of all those who prevent our people from reform and the State. ” It is known that he is trying to block the road by various means upon the return of Saad Hariri. He put the matter in the hands of the parliamentary blocs and asked them to arbitrate their consciences.

This means that Aoun is trying to request the positions of some of the parliamentary blocs that revolve around his orbit, and announce his response to their calls and avoid repeating the previous routes, so the consultations should be postponed, and he responds to your demands. You are not responsible for this decision. He also said the assignment will be reflected in authorship, as if saying that he will not give Hariri a blank mandate, especially since it holds him accountable for corruption. Consequently, their return unconditionally and in shackles can only be a persistence in the practice of corruption. This is a new excuse that he wants to use to hinder the government formation process, under the title that what has been corrupted cannot be fixed by adopting the same policies.
