Are children no longer safe from the epidemic?


Around ten children ten years of age or younger are infected with the Corona virus in Lebanon, according to figures from the Ministry of Public Health that indicate that 1.39% of cases belong to this age group, while the proportion of those with between ten and nineteen years it is 7.79%, which is estimated Some 57 people were injured.

These proportions, which are considered small compared to the total number of victims, are consistent with the global “observation” that accompanied the spread of the epidemic in terms of “marginalization” of children and considering them the strongest link for Coved’s benefit. 19, as they are the least vulnerable to infection.
However, a few days ago disturbing data began to appear in Great Britain, indicating that there is a suspicion of a relationship between the Corunna virus and “Kawasaki” disease (vasculitis, which was discovered in 1967 in Japan, and the Asians are more likely to be infected), while several doctors are currently searching. Italians and British have a link between Corunna virus and a group of acute inflammatory diseases that currently affect children with symptoms of severe fever and bloating. The arteries. This is based on the fact that the results of laboratory tests for many children who were diagnosed with Kawasaki disease showed that they were infected with the Corona virus. In addition to the findings that research on the causal relationship between the coronavirus and any other inflammatory disease affecting children may lead, an important discussion guided by these data is related to reconsideration of the “safety” level. that the children were having in the epidemic battle of the crown and the hypotheses about the incidence of the few infections. For children, it can be caused by a “misdiagnosis”.
Due to the exclusion of children infected with Covid 19 (relative to the small number of infected patients), many physicians do not resort to requesting PCR tests to detect children’s crown and “especially since the symptoms that appear in children are similar to the degree of coincidence with any respiratory virus that affects them, and therefore it is done by diagnosing many cases of other viruses, “says pediatrician Hisham Dabbagh, adding:” Sometimes tests that are done for other types of viruses that positive can also be the owners of the virus. “
This statement is consistent with what the pediatrician and intensive care neonates say at the Rafic Hariri Government Hospital, Nawfal Ismail Nawfal told Al-Akhbar, that many children can be infected with the Coronavirus and the tests are not proven. carried out because “many cases have mild symptoms” Indicates that doctors tend to be diagnosed with other types of viruses that have similar symptoms.

Of the six injuries recorded yesterday, three were arrivals on Tuesday flights.

To date, no babies at Rafic Hariri Government Hospital have been diagnosed with Corona “but suspicions and suspicions of cases have occurred multiple times and are highly likely,” Nofal said, while Dabbagh believes that today it cannot be said that the Children and babies are safe from the virus.
Although the risk of developing children with a crown is lower than that of adults, the elderly and people with chronic diseases in terms of the severity of pneumonia and other repercussions of Covid 19, it is necessary to be alert to their infection in terms of the possibility of infecting their parents, on the one hand, and the possibility of their association with other diseases, according to what current research presupposes, on the other hand.
The talk about children’s injuries and the importance of being alert to them and protecting them from the epidemic comes as anticipation continues to prevail on the Koronic scene in Lebanon. Despite the positive numbers that are still being recorded, “we expect a second wave of epidemic that is more frequent than the first”, in the words of Prime Minister Hassan Diab, warning against the haste to lift precautionary measures to deal with the virus Corona added: “We are still in the middle of the pandemic.” Diab’s speech complements what was previously mentioned by the Minister of Public Health Hamad Hassan and the WHO Representative in Lebanon Iman Al-Shanqeeti regarding the warning of a second wave.
Returning to the Corona counter, the Ministry of Public Health announced yesterday afternoon that there were no new injuries among residents (among 1,367 examinations), while four injuries were recorded between arrivals (out of 686 controls), three of the which belonged to expatriates who came aboard the first batch. From the trips of the second round of the Lebanese “evacuation” phase, which arrived last Tuesday.
And at night, the Rafic Hariri International Hospital announced that two of the 178 laboratory tests were registered, which brought 6 new cases yesterday, bringing the meter to 727 cases. According to the statement issued by the Ministry of Public Health, the injuries of the three newcomers were distributed as follows: one from the Congo, one from Paris and the other from Liberia. As for those who arrived from Larnaca, Dammam and Lagos, there were no injuries among them.
The statement noted that “other passengers who were on the Paris flight will be re-examined to make sure they are injured or not,” and noted that the injured cases will be transferred to the hospital with an emphasis on applying home quarantine to negative cases, “knowing They will be followed daily by the ministry and they will be referred Whoever shows any symptoms to the hospital for a new examination ».
In addition, yesterday, the second group of expatriates arrived via six planes that landed at Rafic Hariri International Airport and transported 513 passengers from Doha (121 people), Baghdad (77 people), Muscat (76 people), London (120 people). Port Harcourt – Nigeria (119 people).
