Arab and Western support for the decisions of the King of Jordan “to preserve the security of his country.”


Arab and international reactions

In Riyadh, the Royal Court of Saudi Arabia issued a statement confirming its support for Jordan.

The statement said that "The Kingdom affirms its position with Jordan and its support for all decisions and actions taken by King Abdullah and his Crown Prince to maintain security and stability.".

In Washington, the US State Department said that "The Jordanian monarch is a key partner of the United States and we fully support him".

Kuwait also claimed to stand by Jordan’s side and support King Abdullah II’s measures to preserve the security and stability of his country.

In Bahrain, the Bahrain News Agency reported on the Bahraini monarch King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa He said he supports the measures taken by the King of Jordan to maintain security and stability.

In a statement, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa stated that he stood firm and fully supported and supported all decisions and measures taken by King Abdullah II to preserve the security and stability of Jordan and to defuse any attempts to influence them.

Egypt also expressed its support for Jordan and King Abdullah II in maintaining the security and stability of the Kingdom.

A spokesman for the Egyptian presidency said, in a Facebook post on Saturday, that Egypt expresses its support for Jordanian King Abdullah and his efforts. "By preserving the security and stability of the Kingdom in the face of any attempt to undermine it".

Iraq also announced "Its support for Jordan, under the leadership of King Abdullah II, in whatever measure is taken to preserve the security and stability of the country and ensure the interests of the brother Jordanian people, in a way that enhances its presence, relying on measures that end to extend the prestige of the state".

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry added: "We look forward to further progress and prosperity and facing challenges, so that the brother Jordanian people have what they deserve under your wise leadership, and we affirm that the security and stability of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is part of the security and stability of Iraq.".

The Secretary General of the Gulf Arab States Cooperation Council, Falah Mubarak Al-Hajraf, also stated that the council supports the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and"Your support for all the measures you take to maintain security and stability in fraternal Jordan.".

The farewell is confirmed "That the security of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is one of the security of the GCC countries, based on what unites the GCC countries and Jordan through strong ties that are firmly based on brotherhood, faith and destiny.".

as such "He affirmed the full support and support of the Cooperation Council for all the decisions and measures taken by His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein to preserve the security and stability of fraternal Jordan, and hoped that fraternal Jordan would continue with security and stability under the leadership of His Majesty the King. Abdullah II and his crown prince".

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation also expressed its support and support for all measures taken by King Abdullah and his Crown Prince to maintain security and stability in Jordan.

In a statement issued by the organization, "The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Dr. Yusuf bin Ahmed Al-Uthaimin, affirmed the organization’s position and support for all measures taken by His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. , and His Highness Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II".

Al-Uthaimin said that "The organization supports all decisions and actions taken by His Majesty King Abdullah and His Highness the Crown Prince to maintain security and stability in Jordan.".

And in Beirut the president crossed Lebanese Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri On his solidarity with the Jordanian monarch in protecting the country’s security.

Hariri said in a tweet on Twitter that "The security and safety of Jordan is a fundamental basis for the safety and security of the Arab world. All solidarity with the Jordanian leadership and King Abdullah II in defending the achievements of the Jordanian people, protecting their stability and refusing to interfere in their affairs.".

A Jordanian security source announced early Saturday the arrest of Sharif Hassan Bin Zaid, Basem Ibrahim Awad Allah and others, for reasons he described as security.

And our correspondent in Amman stated that the arrests have been made of people connected to the case, and that the number may reach 20 people.


In a statement issued by Jordan’s Chief of Staff, Major General Yusef Ahmed Al-Huneiti, following reports that some 20 people, including prominent personalities, had been detained, Al-Huneiti confirmed the incorrectness of what was published. on “complaints about the arrest of Prince Hamzah”.

Jordan’s Chief of Staff stated: “Prince Hamzah was asked to halt the movements and activities used to attack Jordan’s security and stability in the framework of joint comprehensive investigations carried out by the security services. As a result , Sharif Hassan bin Zaid, Basem Ibrahim Awad Allah and others were arrested. “

The Jordanian Chief of Staff confirmed that “the arrests were carried out within the framework of extensive joint investigations carried out by the security services.”

Al-Hunaiti said that “the investigations continue, and their results will be disclosed with full transparency and clarity,” and noted that “all the measures that have been taken were taken within the framework of the law and after intensive investigations that required them.” .

Arab and international reactions

In Riyadh, the Royal Court of Saudi Arabia issued a statement confirming its support for Jordan.

“The Kingdom affirms its support for Jordan and its support for all decisions and actions taken by King Abdullah and his Crown Prince,” the statement said.

In Washington, the US State Department said: “The Jordanian monarch is a critical partner of the United States and we fully support him.”

Kuwait also claimed to stand by Jordan’s side and support King Abdullah II’s measures to preserve the security and stability of his country.

In Bahrain, the Bahrain News Agency reported on the Bahraini monarch King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa He said he supports the measures taken by the King of Jordan to maintain security and stability.

In a statement, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa stated that he stood firm and fully supported and supported all decisions and measures taken by King Abdullah II to preserve the security and stability of Jordan and to defuse any attempts to influence them.

Egypt also expressed its support for Jordan and King Abdullah II in maintaining the security and stability of the Kingdom.

A spokesman for the Egyptian presidency said, in a Facebook post on Saturday, that Egypt expresses its support for Jordanian King Abdullah and his efforts “to preserve the security and stability of the kingdom against any attempt to undermine it.”

Iraq also declared its “support for Jordan, under the leadership of King Abdullah II, in whatever measure is taken to preserve the security and stability of the country and to look out for the interests of the brother Jordanian people, in a way that enhances their presence. , relying on the measures that end up extending the prestige of the State ”.

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry added: “We look forward to further progress and prosperity and facing challenges, so that the brother Jordanian people have what they deserve under your wise leadership, and we affirm that the security and stability of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is part of the security and stability of Iraq. “

The Secretary General of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Falah Mubarak Al-Hajraf, also stated that the council supports the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and “its support for all measures it takes to maintain security and stability in fraternal Jordan “.

Al-Hajraf emphasized that “the security of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is one of the security of the GCC countries, based on the close and strong ties between the GCC states and Jordan, based on brotherhood, faith and a only destiny. “

He also affirmed the full support and support of the Cooperation Council for all the decisions and measures taken by His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein to preserve the security and stability of fraternal Jordan, wishing that fraternal Jordan will continue with security and stability under Her Majesty’s leadership. King Abdullah II and His Highness, the faithful Crown Prince.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation also expressed its support and support for all measures taken by King Abdullah and his Crown Prince to maintain security and stability in Jordan.

In a statement issued by the organization, “The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Dr. Yusuf bin Ahmed Al-Othaimin, affirmed the organization’s position and support for all measures taken by His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and His Crown Prince, Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II ”.

Al-Othaimeen said: “The organization supports all the decisions and measures taken by His Majesty King Abdullah and His Highness the Crown Prince to maintain security and stability in Jordan.”

And in Beirut the president crossed Lebanese Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri On his solidarity with the Jordanian monarch in protecting the country’s security.

Hariri said in a tweet on Twitter, “The safety and security of Jordan is a fundamental basis for the safety and security of the Arab world. All solidarity with the Jordanian leadership and King Abdullah II in defending the achievements of the Jordanian people, protecting their stability and refusing to interfere in their affairs. “

And a Jordanian security source announced early Saturday the arrest of Sharif Hassan Bin Zaid, Basem Ibrahim Awad Allah and others, for reasons he described as security.

And our correspondent in Amman stated that the arrests have been made of people connected to the case, and that the number may reach 20 people.
