Aoun tweets: The Lebanese have no partner to preserve the independence of their homeland and their sovereignty over their borders and territory.


Lebanese President Michel Aoun said on Sunday that “the Lebanese have no partner to preserve the independence of their homeland, their sovereignty over their borders, their land and their freedom of choice.”

This came in a tweet on its official page on the “Twitter” site, a day after Iranian statements about supporting Lebanon with its missile capabilities to confront Israel.

And on Saturday, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Air Force, Ali Hajizadeh, said that “all the missile capabilities that Gaza and Lebanon possess have been supported by Iran, and are the front line of the confrontation.”

Zadeh added, to Al-Manar TV (affiliated with the pro-Iranian group Hezbollah): “We teach at the front of the resistance to make fishing rods, instead of providing fish, and Lebanon and Gaza have the technology to make missiles.”

President Aoun and his Free Patriotic Movement party are considered one of Hezbollah’s most important allies, which fought a 34-day war with Israel in July 2006.

On the other hand, the president of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, said: “In my previous statement to the (local) newspaper Al-Anbaa, I said that Iran is waiting for a dialogue with the new American administration, and that a government of specialists is a kind of heresy, so the resurrection occurred. “

In his tweet, Jumblatt asked: “Today the winds of confrontation are blowing everywhere, isn’t it better for the opposition team to take responsibility for the country with its partners? Why are you involved in participating (with Iran’s steps in the region) where we have no decision?

Lebanon has been undergoing a political crisis, represented by a lack of government formation, since the Beirut port explosion on August 4, which led to the resignation of the current provisional government, headed by Hassan Diab.

“Hezbollah”, which is loyal to Tehran, is reported to possess advanced weapons and missiles, leading to a dispute between the Lebanese parties in support of the pretext of “confronting Israel” and those who consider it an illegal weapon, and it demands that the decision of war and peace be confined solely to the hands of the state.
