Aoun refuses to sign decrees to exempt Beirut port officials “as long as they are not issued by the cabinet.”


The number of Corona patients is increasing rapidly in Lebanon, until now more than 1000 injuries are recorded per day, at a time when the health system lacks the necessary and sufficient resources, capacities and equipment to accommodate the growing number of wounded and sick.

The Crown crisis had a very negative impact on the generally weak Lebanese economy, as well as the medical sector, as several hospitals laid off hundreds of employees, doctors and nurses and, to make matters worse, the explosion of the port of Beirut , which caused damage to many hospitals.

The absorption capacity of the hospitals is very limited, and this was evidenced by the explosion of the port, since the hospitals could not withstand thousands of wounded, which required the dispatch of field hospitals and medical teams from sister and friendly countries to meet the need.

Stock may run out in a few days

The problems in the medical sector did not stop there. As a consequence of the accumulation of debts in hospitals and the failure to pay company fees, the Lebanese Union of Importers and Traders of Medical and Laboratory Equipment decided to stop delivering goods, which is negatively affected by the Corona combat and containment operations.

In an exclusive interview with the Al-Hurra channel website, Firas Abyad, director of the Rafic Hariri University Hospital in Beirut, which receives the highest number of Corona patients, said that the stock of medical supplies from hospitals is absolutely insufficient and he warned that stocks would run out in days, weeks and months at most. .

Abyad explained several factors that influence this, including the amount and type of stock and consumption, and its availability in some hospitals, as he said that private hospitals have a larger stock than government hospitals, and there are types of drugs that are almost sold. they are being implemented while other types are available, as well as in terms of medical supplies.

Abyad added that due to the economic crisis and the liquidity crisis, providers stopped importing and insuring goods, and they complain about the non-payment of their quotas, despite the availability of funds in some hospitals, but the exchange rate of The lira against the dollar is what affected this process, as suppliers pay. Merchants are charged in dollars, while hospitals are charged in pounds.

Problems continue as the collapsed state intends to lift drug subsidies, compounding the suffering of patients, many of whom cannot afford the price of the drug or doctor and hospital fees.

Three crises have affected the medical sector, says Abyad, and it is an economic crisis represented by the collapse of the exchange rate and the lack of liquidity in hard currencies, and the crisis of the Crown that Lebanon suffers seriously, especially with the procedures extremely difficult closing times, and a political crisis that overshadows the rest of the crises.

Partial blocking may be a solution

And recently, a new problem has arisen, which is a fight between the health and interior ministers in the interim government over the issue of the shutdown.

Abyad believes that solutions should be at three levels, the first of which are state measures and partial closure, which may be the most appropriate in the current situation, with the violation of health regulations, and second, Society as individuals and groups have a great responsibility in stopping the spread of Corona, and thirdly through the Ministry of Health, which should be It should provide easy checks and quick results.

The European scene in Lebanon

Medical teams affiliated with the Ministry of Health launched surveys in more than 100 isolated towns and villages in Lebanon in an effort to halt the spread of the epidemic, while Acting Minister of Health Hamad Hassan warned that Lebanon was closing in on the European scenario, after the rate of coronavirus infections peaked in recent days. .

Hassan said that the contagion rate is 120 people per 100,000 people per week, and this percentage is considered the peak in the injury record, and brings us closer to the European scenario, while the mortality rate reached its peak and registered a 1.2%, and we should not underestimate this percentage.

As of Sunday night, Lebanon recorded 44,482 injuries and 406 deaths, and residents of isolated towns and villages must adhere to their homes, interrupt work in public and private institutions and cancel social and religious events, with the exception of hospitals, clinics, clinics, pharmacies and ovens.

The Health Ministry is currently working to increase availability to secure 300 beds in intensive care, according to Hassan, after the port explosion prevented this goal from being reached, and Minister Hassan called on private hospitals to respond more quickly as only 15 private hospitals out of a total of 130 receive Corona patients.
