Aoun in Bkerke cleared things up and everything | Al Anbaa Newspaper


Beirut – Omar Habanjar

The President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, paid a lightning visit to Bkerke yesterday, during which he congratulated the Maronite Patriarch Bechara Al-Rai on the holiday, and discussed with him the general conditions related to his invitation to President Aoun and President Saad Hariri for a reconciliation meeting that would expedite the formation of the government.

The visit coincided, politically, with the return of Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri to Beirut in the evening, and in a healthy way, with Lebanon entering the orbit of the fourth general mandatory shutdown, amid the medical confusion arising from the expansion of the exceptions depending on the commitment of the people to the ethics of health, which considers the security of the homeland from the security of the citizen, instead of accelerating efforts. The official introduction of anti-corona vaccines, thus limiting the acceleration of the epidemic counter, which the day before yesterday broke a new record, reaching 4,166 cases and 21 deaths.

President Aoun said after his meeting with the pastor: “I hope that meeting with the pastor has cleared things up after all the rumors, and we came today (yesterday) to repeat his blessing because circumstances prevented us from being here on the day of Christmas, and we talk about the general conditions that are still drowned, because everyone What happens with us is not reported in the media, because everyone writes in the media, unfortunately, according to their taste. And, God willing, this meeting will be fruitful in this matter.

He was asked: Was it said that this meeting where the Patriarch could have brought you together with Prime Minister Hariri, provided it was an opening meeting and agreement on a government without quotas? He replied, “This is a possibility.”

Patriarch Al-Rai was noted to remain seated in his seat while President Aoun spoke to the press and media, and the image of this scene darkened after it was shown on television.

Al-Anbaa asked a follow-up source what that meant, and he replied: It means that the opinions were not identical between the two men, except for what is related to accepting greetings on Eid.

Indeed, it became clear that Patriarch Al-Rahi suggested to President Aoun that he meet with President-designate Saad Hariri, who returned to Beirut in the evening after a family vacation abroad, and that President Aoun did not care, nor to Prime Minister Hariri. However, no agreement has yet been reached on the date of the meeting.

Patriarch Al-Rahi was betting on the meeting, in order to issue his rescue government formation of which the sponsor spoke, who decided to continue working on the organization of the meeting.

On this issue, the Information Office of the Presidency made it clear that the information published that yesterday a meeting was to be held in Bkerke between the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, and the President-designate Saad Hariri, under the auspices of the Patriarch Al-Rai.

He added: “The correct opinion is that such a proposal was presented by Patriarch Al-Rahi to the President of the Republic during their meeting yesterday, and President Aoun was not aware of it in advance.”

The sources asked for follow-up to pay attention to what the head of the Free Movement, Gebran Bassil, will announce at 12 noon on Sunday, in addition to gloating over President Trump, whose sanctions were dictated by his administration, and it seems that Bassil opted for speak after the president of the Progressive Socialist Party Walid Jumblatt, who appeared last night through the program “The time has come.” With the journalist Marcel Ghanem from the “MTV” screen, and after the meeting of the Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, with the channel “Al-Manar” at eight thirty this afternoon, so his speech was an answer and a position on what they will present on the particular government issue.

Sources ruled out the opposition team’s acceptance of the birth of the Bkerke government for considerations related to political correctness at the Maronite level, and the most prominent appearance of this discrepancy was evident between General Aoun and the late Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir.

For his part, the Mufti of Lebanon, Sheikh Abd al-Latif Derian, said that the good efforts made by the president in charge of forming the government set a new stage in the rebirth of the homeland.

The head of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, considered in a statement that what is happening with regard to the formation of the government is a crime described against the Lebanese, and said: There is no hope for the current ruling group and the elections. early parliamentary elections are unavoidable.

Returning to Corona’s measures, initial reports on the closure indicated a weak commitment to the muzzle and social distancing in parallel with the reduction of the space for the response of hospitals to new cases, in addition to the Red Cross reducing operations of transport of injured to be limited to specific cases.

In this context, Middle East Airlines issued a statement in which it considered that the PCR test has become mandatory before boarding our aircraft in any country.

The statement stated that travelers upon arrival at Rafic Hariri International Airport, starting on the 11th of this month, undergo an immediate PCR examination at the airport and adhere to the mandatory hotel quarantine for a period of 48 hours until to be notified of the results of the examination carried out at the airport.

He explained that diplomats and their families, officials, official delegations, officers and UNIFIL are exempt from hotel quarantine. Also excluded are people who received the Corona vaccine based on a medical report or record, and are only subject to a PCR test at the airport as a precautionary measure.
