Aoun Bypasses the Constitution to Activate the Diab Government | Phalanges


An opposition source told Asharq Al-Awsat that President Michel Aoun seeks to activate the resigned government as a step to float the pace for the cabinet to reconvene.

A former Lebanese prime minister was surprised by President Michel Aoun’s invitation to resigned Prime Minister Hassan Diab to “expand a bit” in conducting business to meet the country’s needs until the next government is formed. International pressure that asks to accelerate the formation of the government.
The former prime minister affirmed that Aoun’s invitation will not go unnoticed, and will have political repercussions, because it allows him to make decisions that exceed the powers entrusted to the presidential system, and revealed that the former prime ministers have begun their consultations with the president in charge of forming the new government, Saad Hariri, in preparation of the response. On Aoun’s violation of the constitution.

An opposition source told Asharq Al-Awsat that Aoun seeks to activate the resigned government as a step to float it and make way for the cabinet to reconvene.

Source: Middle East
