Aoun and Hariri must abandon the quota system – the electronic spider


There is no hope for the beginning of the year to form a government The decade that ended last year loaded her with the forgetfulness of the new year. There is no clear horizon and no serious initiatives that can return Saad Hariri to Baabda to start the discussion of the government file anew. Faced with the storm of statements and counter-statements that dealt with the Iranian role in Lebanon, only the Maronite Patriarch and the head of the Socialist Party were not absent. The first asked for the cessation of quotas, and the second asked that the “opposition” assume responsibility.

As 2020 ended, 2021 began. There are no open doors for any attempt to overcome the obstacles facing the government formation process. After the Christmas binge wore off and the idea emerged, it turned out that the top priority was addressing the impending health collapse. Thus, the government seemed to be the last concern, especially since there were no serious signs of a dissolution of the intractable decade that faced its creation.

Maronite Patriarch Bechara Al-Rahi, in his Sunday sermon, saw that the government will not be formed except through a meeting with the President of the Republic and the President-designate, and their agreement to form a distinguished government with true independence, balance democratic and pluralistic, and with highly qualified ministers in their specialization and national awareness of public affairs. And when he saw that the exchange of accusations between officials and politicians about who is responsible for obstructing their authorship does not help, he indicated that Presidents Michel Aoun and Saad Hariri are capable of making this “responsible and courageous” decision if they eliminate “the burdens and pressures, exceed quotas and bags, and disrupt interventions “. Various internal and external, and they only have their sights on the interests of Lebanon. “
While awaiting the return of the general blockade, it was reported that a French Senate delegation would visit Lebanon for talks with Lebanese officials. While this visit may contribute to rolling back the negotiating record, no one expects it to lead to a gap in the stage of everyone waiting for January 20, the date of the departure of the Donald Trump administration.
On the other hand, Walid Jumblatt was obscuring the government landscape. And through Twitter he said: “In my statement prior to the news, I said that Iran is waiting for the new US administration to negotiate, and that a government of specialists is a kind of heresy, so the resurrection occurred.” He added: “Today the winds of confrontation are blowing everywhere. Isn’t it better for the opposition team to assume responsibility for the country with its partners, and why get involved in a participation where we have no decision on anything?”
At this moment, and faced with the deadly void, the words of the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Air Force, Ali Hajizadeh, occupied the political vanguard in Lebanon last Saturday. Zada had said that “all the missile capabilities that Gaza and Lebanon possess have been supported by Iran and are the front line of the confrontation.” On the other hand, the media machinery of the March 14 team altered the words of the Iranian Air Force commander, accusing him of attacking Lebanon’s sovereignty by interfering with his decision for war and peace. They relied on urgent news broadcast by Al-Arabiya that quoted Zada ​​as saying that “the missiles from Lebanon and Gaza are our entire support, and are our front line to confront Israel”, to follow the statements that are based on as reported by Zada ​​and confirming that Iran is using Lebanon as a platform to wage its wars against the United States and Israel. But in the literal translation of what Zada ​​said, it turns out that he said: “Please note that the matter is not limited to Gaza and Lebanon, and they are on the front lines, but as Imam Khamenei said, we will support all who stand up to the Zionist entity and, of course, what we see in Gaza today. Lebanon has the capacity to produce missile forces, all with the support and backing of the Islamic Republic and under the leadership and management of Hajj Qassem Soleimani. And he was clearer in what he meant when he said: “We teach at the front of the resistance to make fishing rods, instead of offering fish, and Lebanon and Gaza have the technology to make missiles”, noting that “the capabilities of the axis Resistance are no longer what they were ten years ago, and today the Palestinians launch missiles. Instead of throwing stones.

The March 14 media machine has changed the words of the Iranian Air Force commander

And after Hezbollah’s opponents had focused on inciting the resistance team and the president of the republic, Michel Aoun, considering that the latter had contributed to transforming Lebanon into an “Iranian boycott”, Aoun published a tweet in the that emphasized that “the Lebanese have no partners to preserve the independence of their country and their sovereignty over their borders, their land and their freedom of decision. While the Central Media Committee of the” Free Patriotic Movement “issued a statement confirming” the right of the Lebanese to defend their sovereignty, land and wealth against any aggression, by Israel or others. “He added:” The current considers that the Lebanese are concerned with preserving the freedom, decision, sovereignty and independence of the Lebanon, and that the resistance practiced by the Lebanese in defense of their land must always serve only these objectives, and that any support they receive cannot be conditioned do to the renunciation of national sovereignty or the surrender With what they have nothing to do ».
In the same context, came the statement of the Mufti Jaafari, Sheikh Ahmed Qabalan, who was surprised “at the matter of some Lebanese, as this team bows to the US ambassador and asks French President Emmanuel Macron to restore the mandate over Lebanon and denounce the scant US support for the Lebanese army at the time of the Battle of the Jumps which resolved the fact that US aid is fair Waste material, which you see as a boastful to defend sovereignty, which you turned into emirates of humiliation, humiliation, murder and militia during the Israeli occupation. Although Qassem Soleimani’s missiles and Tehran’s weapons capabilities of the resistance were what resolved the battles of liberation and victory, and affirmed Lebanon’s sovereignty and restored its national resolve and institutions for free, some see sovereignty with the Aoukar’s eyes and the barriers of slaughter and self management and the subordination of black money against the background of a paid squawk. He stressed that “ without Qassem Soleimani’s missiles there is no sovereignty, and the person in charge of looting and bankrupting the country and commercializing its regional archives is you, not Qassem Soleimani’s missiles, who contributed to the liberation and support of the resistance that the country recovered, and if a statue of liberty and sovereignty is required, it is for Qassem Soleimani and it does not matter how different the traffickers are. Their names, and stop poisoning, lying, and betraying this country. Despite the fact that “we have committed ourselves a lot and at all stages for the good of the interest of Lebanon, there are those who want Lebanon simply as a client for a camp and a Tel Aviv colony, and a barrel of oil thrown for this and that, and this will never happen in Lebanon, and yet civil war projects, federal bombs and street gambling will not happen. American raft ».

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