Aoun and Hariri … and the Batwatt! Phalanges


Nabil Haitham wrote in Al-Jumhuriya: “Writing has become a scandal and an unprecedented stain on political life.” This phrase, and other phrases under the belt and on top of the slander and slander, roar in all the halls, and are repeated in the languages ​​of all the people, who seek a lost government between “and ducks” seen from the “house intermedia “in the Republican Palace, and between black rooms visible from the palace, which are transmits what he describes as lies from” The Center House “!

Obvious questions evoked by this scandal; How can a government still be born from the belly of bats and lies? And if this government were born, voluntarily or by duress, what government would it be? And what political school allows this absurd game, its acrobatics, its adolescence and its childishness, and that abominable behavior is practiced in it that dropped the last strawberry leaf, covering up the scandalous approach of the players in the government arena, and “drying” the water from their faces and leaving nothing to preserve it?

The Lebanese hated this game, and the situation got to the point of the question: Who rule us, are they responsible or the aliens who have nothing to do with the people of Earth and do not know what is happening?

One of the high officials, who was outraged with him, as soon as you ask him about what happened in the government’s file, he gets angry and expresses his disgust at what the situation has come to, and says: “The country has escaped and flown , in a game that appears between adults but that revolves around the minds of young people, with their shameful behavior they built a school of corruption for life. Politics in Lebanon is a stateless school whose title is “If you are not ashamed, do what you want.” Did they assassinate the State from a previous vision and design?

A question to which the same official cannot find an answer: What is the secret of deliberately misleading people and how can a president ask a president to spread positives about a meeting that is steeped in negatives from beginning to end. the end? How can a president respond to the request of a president who makes people aware of the positive, and on top of that he calls politicians and says: “The atmosphere is good, things are fine”, then soon the snow melts and “Shows” the meadow of deception, and the language of vermin and lies prevails, this is how statesmen behave?

What is happening in the composition arena between partners to complete this merit deliberately overlooks the fact that the country is about to end and he and his people are in the news. It warns of a dangerous social explosion looming on the horizon of daily transregional looting, while the smells of corruption that emanate from each archive have already transformed the “country of rice” into a “banana republic.”

If we look at the political scene today, we will find that the default, whose main title today is the government contract, is nothing more than a crude reflection of a chronic political illness, which is the use of the country to serve aspirations or even personal whims, and to mortgage all aspects of life to secure a fractional profit here or a position there.

This situation is projected by the opponents of the Future Movement in Saad Hariri, who see the new government as an opportunity to restore the presence, the glitz and the glamor it lost. The first way to achieve this is by grasping the rope of government and the absolute freedom of its directions and decisions.

This is also the case, opponents of President Michel Aoun and the “Free Patriotic Movement” say that it fully applies to the President of the Republic, whose political approach, according to their belief, has not changed between a “general” described as “rebel “in the” people’s palace “and a” legitimate president “. In the “Republican Palace”. These opponents say: “More than thirty years ago, the ‘general’ led Lebanon on one of the most devastating adventures, when ‘freedom, sovereignty and independence’ was just a front for a presidential ambition. Today he repeats the same adventure, with two slight amendments. The first is that the current adventure is today in favor of Gebran Bassil, and the second is that the cover motto has become “anti-corruption” and “criminal scrutiny” … to the last of those names that do not feed the hungry and they do not cure Sick “.

That is why it can be assumed that everything in the country is approaching the scale of deferred rights, be it an election for parliament or an election for the first presidency.

For Aoun, the equation is pretty clear. This was reflected in last week’s data war, which spread a lot of dirty laundry from the Lebanese political class. The president wants the third blockade, and does not resign from the three ministries of the Interior, Defense and Justice. in another sense. And what is being said, the president wants the government to be a platform that keeps him at the forefront of decision-making or blocking the decision, at the expense of other parties, so that he does not repeat the experience of President Emile Lahoud in the end. of his tenure, nor become a mere honorary president of the “Titanic Republic” as described by Jean Yves. Le Drian, or the acquisition of the three main articulations of the security-military-judicial system, so that the Aounist presence in the depths of the country is increasingly strengthened.

In both cases, Aounista’s position assumes that the next government will most likely be an electoral government, if circumstances allow it, it will form a different political map from the current one, especially among the Orange Movement, which is sure from now on that the next elections will lose a lot, as the punitive vote for Al-Ahed will be the master of the situation, which will constitute the last blow to the presidential ambitions of Gebran Bassil, after the first blow of October 17, 2019, and the second blow in the form of US sanctions that were finally imposed.

Of course, Aoun cannot be solely responsible for the government obstruction. The president-designate bears a large part of the responsibility, especially since he failed to strengthen authorship with a political umbrella, when he decided to go ahead with this process without real consultations with the parliamentary and political blocs.

However, there may be mitigating reasons for the responsibility that Hariri has, compared to those of the Aoun-Bassil duo. The prime minister-designate directs a mission that looks like a carriage drawn by two or more horses, in opposite directions.

On the one hand, Hariri is faced with an internal equation whose complexities have become more difficult to resolve, in light of the unprecedented rivalry over quotas, especially regarding the aforementioned presidential demands, which, if passed, It will be at the expense of other Christian factions or perhaps at the expense of other sects. On the other hand, Hariri faces external complications that make him unable to address a government similar to Hassan Diab, which many have consistently described as a “Hezbollah government”, for two main reasons: The first is that the international community It has already linked its support for Lebanon with the formation of a government with standards set by the French initiative. As for the second, it is the sword of US sanctions, which will continue to reach Lebanon until January 20, or perhaps later as well. This is because the new US administration may be “tougher” in its approach, at least during the first year of Joe Biden’s presidency.

Thus, internal and external factors intersect to open Lebanon to all catastrophic possibilities, which will not be delayed in the emergence, as long as there is no clear horizon for the formation of the government, especially after the French cut off the hope of Lebanon , and they are more inclined to worry about the health of their president than about the psychological state of a political class. It is ruled by the hysteria of megalomania and schizophrenia practiced against the people, driven by ambitions for positions, in a country that is advancing at record speed towards the bottom of the abyss.
