Anwar Al-Khalil to the Minister of Health: I will not remain silent about the serious failure of a high government official


Deputy Anwar Al-Khalil sent a message to the Minister of Health, Hamad Hassan, in which he said: “We are very happy with your presence at the head of the Ministry of Public Health because your tastes do not turn a blind eye to urgent and pressing needs. the only hospital active in the Israeli enemy’s occupied judiciary, the Hasbaya district The confrontational hospital on the borders of the Shebaa Farms and in the heart of the Kfar Shuba hills The director of the Hasbaya Government Hospital sent an extensive report in response to remarks by WHO representative Dr Ghada Haddad and hand delivered his report to his office in Beirut I spoke to you twice in Parliament on April 21 as stated in My message to you Yesterday Despite all this, we didn’t even get a call from you. “

And he continued in his message: “I believe that the gross negligence of a minister whom we love his actions, and irresponsible recklessness towards a representative representing a region loved by the heart and conscience of every official, and a secretary general of a bloc headed by the head of parliament, it is a recklessness to which we are not accustomed on the part of other ministers “. Your Excellency, Minister, and we do not know what your guidance is in providing Hasbaya Government Hospital with the equipment it deserves, again declaring that we are ready to share with you the costs of what you cannot afford. I do not understand, accept and will not remain silent about the fatal failure of a key government official, and I hope that he does not have to take constitutional and legal measures b I asked him about the reasons for this serious failure, as a result of the delay and the delay in responding for approximately three weeks from a valuable moment, we wanted to spend it with you at the service of our people. Down “.

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