An uproar after an Egyptian actor participated in a job involving porn star Mia Khalifa


Trailer, the second part of the American series “Ramy”, in which the Egyptian actor, Amr Waked, has caused an uproar and a state of controversy in Egypt.

Amr Waked appeared in one of the trailer clips, in addition to the Lebanese-American American porn actress Maya Khalifa, who sparked conviction among pioneers of social media sites.

Much of the audience commented on the Mayans’ appearance on the series, and most expressed surprise at their appearance, and attacked Amr Waked, emphasizing that he “has not become anything different from him except money, as he had previously appeared in a work of art with an Israeli actor, and now he appears with an actress. ” Pornography “.

It should be noted that Amr Waked is fleeing Egypt due to sentences issued by the Tax Evasion Evasion Court at the Fifth Settlement Court Complex, punishing him with six months in prison, a fine and forcing him to pay the costs.

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