An unprecedented sharp increase in the number of Coronavirus infections in Saudi Arabia


Today, Saudi Arabia announced 1,552 new cases of the “Covid-19” coronavirus, an unprecedented increase from the previous period.

A Health Ministry spokesman, Muhammad Al-Abd Al-Aali, stated during a press conference that 1,552 new confirmed cases of Corona virus infection had been detected in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of those infected to 27011 people, including 19% of Saudis and 81% of non-Saudis.

A Saudi health spokesperson reported that 8 new deaths from the disease were recorded, after this rate was at the level of 7 cases in the May 1 and 2 statistics, raising the number of victims of the virus crown the kingdom at 184.

He explained that there are 139 critical cases receiving intensive medical attention, with 369 new cases of coronavirus registered, bringing the total number of recovered cases to 4134.

Today’s rate is a new record for the daily rise of HIV infections in Saudi Arabia, after the index reached the statistic on April 29, 1325 and April 30, 1351 and May 1, 1344 and on May 2, 1362.

In this context, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia emphasized that the number of daily infections with Coronavirus reflects the monitoring process in the community.
