An open letter from Brigadier General Mustafa Hamdan to Patriarch Al-Rahi


Open letter from Brigadier General Mustafa Hamdan to Her Beatitude, Mar Bishara Boutros, the most respectful pastor.

All love and respect ..
Our Beatitude the Patriarch, Mar Beshara Boutros Al-Rahi
The difficulty is a composition not by quotas, and all the ministries have become remnants, and after touching the love and affection between the pillars of the Federation of Sects and Sects, a rush to approve the term of Prime Minister Saad Hariri and the insistence on the speed of composition, but their happiness, knowing them, “Every goat is tied to its external anger”, the momentum dispersed Macron and his initiative were regional, and Lebanon entered a depression due to the repercussions of the US presidential elections two days later.
Our Master, with all the recognition that your Lebanon, this sectarian sectarian, is not neutral, neither active nor positive, it is a total bias towards regional and international circles.
In conclusion, Patriarch, peace be upon you on the part of all Lebanese citizens, and we ask that you support our effort to prevent the outbreak of the plague in the winter season in the demolished buildings in our devastated capital, Beirut, and also We look forward to our support in pressing them to remove waste from the streets of the Lebanese Hawakeer in all Lebanese cities and towns in order to preserve the health of the Lebanese. Corona is sufficient and fulfilled in its threat, and we are grateful to them.

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