An Israeli alert on the Golan Heights … and no change in plans


On Sunday, Israeli Chief of Staff Afif Kochavi conducted an inspection tour of Israeli forces in the Golan Heights and spoke with commanders and soldiers about preparing the Israeli army for all scenarios on the border with Syria.

“Our message is clear. We will continue to work with the necessary force against the Iranian position in Syria,” Kohavi said in a statement, indicating that he will remain fully prepared against any aggressive attempts against Israel. “I came here to closely follow the latest developments in the security situation, especially regarding the Iranian positioning in Syria,” he added.

The Israeli Chief of Staff thanked everyone who contributed and participated in the “focused and successful” activity to uncover the explosive ordnance field 10 days ago near the border, speaking of the attack “that we then launched in Syria against Iranian sites and Syrians alike. ” The statement said that Kohavi “made a general assessment of the situation with the participation of the commander of the northern region.”

This visit comes as Israel and the world await the Iranian response to the assassination of nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, head of the Research and Development Organization of the Iranian Defense Ministry, in an attack near Tehran on Friday. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani promised to respond in a timely manner to the assassination of the prominent nuclear scientist.

And on Sunday, the Iranian Mehr news agency published an article on Fakhrizadeh’s relationship with “resistance movements in Palestine, Syria and Yemen.” The article said that “extremely dangerous information reached Israeli intelligence a few months ago, claiming that Iran and Hezbollah have succeeded in supplying Hamas and Islamic Jihad, through Syria, with cruise missiles and drones equipped with cluster bombs. , as well as the technology necessary to manufacture them in Gaza, and that the first person in charge of that is Fakhrizadeh, and this explains the intensification of the Israeli incursions in Syria in the last months “.

The article pointed to “a report published by the Israeli” Neeman “Foundation two years ago that Iran, under the supervision of Fakhri Zadeh, has transferred its technological progress to Syria, Yemen, Hezbollah and the Palestinian factions, so that resistance movements and Syria are not left at the mercy of changing circumstances that may impede the flow of weapons to them. Tehran. “

The article adds, citing the Israeli report, that “the plan to assassinate Fakhrizadeh was worked out during a secret meeting held in 2019 in the United States, in which several Israeli military and security leaders, Emirati and Saudi figures participated, and various leaders of the PMOI organization. “

He said that “on the meeting’s agenda there was an issue, which is the implementation of security operations within Iran and the attempt to obstruct its missile, military and nuclear program, as well as the development of plans to prevent weapons from reaching to Syria, and from there to Lebanon and Gaza. “
