An invitation to workers in the health sector to adhere to Rabies Day Wednesday


The Federation of Health Sector Trade Unions in Lebanon held a meeting led by its president Tawfiq Al-Madhoun and in the presence of Secretary General Abbas Hariri, and the meeting issued a statement calling on workers in the sector to comply with the call of General Union of Workers to “implement the great day of anger the day after tomorrow Wednesday and hold sit-ins in front of Centers.

The Union addressed the workers of the sector with “the best affection, because you are always loyal, oh army of all kinds. You are the makers of peace and the first offer of sacrifice in every sense of the word, and after that things reach their maximum collective outlay, the right to eat, digest laws and regulations, raise medical prices in private hospitals and not pay the salaries of employees. ” In the government hospitals without paying attention to them, and you are the ones who have the most sacrifices, and because we have discovered that those who have influence make you inhabit the wells of poverty and hunger and knock on the doors to remove the sustenance from the needs of life and leaving us all homeless below the poverty line, the Union invites you to fulfill the call of the General Union of Workers to implement the Great Day of Wrath next Wednesday. The reality is 10/14/2020 and sitting in front of their centers “.
