An intelligent application that will make a quantum leap in the fight against Corona


Last update: 1 – November – 2020 2:04 am

The Corona virus continues to occupy global scientists seeking to invent vaccines and develop applications to solve this problem that has confused the world.

In a related context, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are seeking to develop a smartphone app that would take a quantum leap in the fight against Corona, which could make the disease a thing of the past, according to a new study released by the institute.

And the normalization of the disease is recognized by determining the type of cough emitted by infected people, especially those who do not present symptoms of contagion, that is, “silent carriers”, according to a new study from the institute.

Silent disease carriers are known to make up a large proportion and effectively contribute to the spread of infection throughout the world.

In a normal situation, it is very difficult for the human ear to distinguish between the cough of a healthy person and someone with Corona and has no symptoms, but it is possible to do so through artificial intelligence.

The researchers came to their discovery after recording tens of thousands of volunteer coughs on Internet browsers and phones.

And when they brought the new cough records into the model they were working on, “the model accurately identified 98.5 percent of coughs from people who were confirmed to have COVID-19, including 100 percent of the coughs of asymptomatic patients, “write the researchers in the study, published in the IEEE Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology.

The researchers are now working on preparing an easy-to-use application for this model, which they said “could be a wonderful and immediate initial screening tool to discover possible infected with the virus”, adding: “The epidemic could be something of the past “, in light of the existence of such tools and their constant improvement.

This type of application is usually developed by using machine learning algorithms or neural networks to distinguish the sounds associated with different degrees of vocal cord strength.

Notably, early detection of corona infection is a very powerful and basic way of limiting the spread of the disease.
