An ideal situation for Hisham Selim. Will society follow suit? The | DW’s diverse Arab Window on celebrity life and fun DW events


Egyptian artist Hisham Selim revealed that his daughter, Nora, has become a sexual partner on behalf of “Nour”. Hisham Selim, during his presentation on a television program, revealed more details on the matter, and said that he was not surprised by the step taken by his daughter, and that for a long time he had felt that something was wrong regarding the sexual nature. her.

Courageous attitude of the father

Hisham Selim spoke, with rare courage praised by pioneers of social media sites, about the strained relationship between him and his children and which he tried very hard to resolve.

Differences with them, and that this problem was one of the main causes of this tension in the relationship.

The Egyptian artist expressed his full support for his daughter / son, praised his full courage to reveal this matter, and stated that he fully supports and supports the decision made by his daughter / son to become a man, saying: “As I am your father I must help him so that he can fulfill what he wants in his life “.

Salim added that he is fully aware of the nature of the pressure his daughter (his son) is subjected to as a result of this decision, especially that he was brought into a society known to be very conservative, and that he fully appreciated the nature of the conflicting feelings that her daughter still felt until her complete conversion to a man.

The Egyptian artist spoke about the crisis his daughter / son went through when trying to renew the identification card, especially since the transformation processes have not yet ended in a way and the documentary filmmaker has confirmed that (Noura) is still a woman.

Tribute, support and support.

Hisham Salim’s position received unusual praise on social media, especially with his support and support for his daughter / son in all his future steps in this regard, and that he did not care much about the reaction of the community and what he wanted. To say was to support your daughter / son with the decision:

Most praised by bloggers and bloggers was Hisham Selim’s question about her daughter / son, “What is required of me?” (What is required of me) in reference to your complete willingness to provide any support or support to Nora / Nour

On social media, there were characteristics of community support for the decision, apparently a social shift towards this type of problem, which was emphasized in more than one song:

While others emphasized that Hisham Selim’s position as a father is an honorable position and calls on all parents to understand the needs, desires, and feelings of their children.

While some people praised the position of the Egyptian artist, similar stories were spoken of sons trying to change their sexual identity, but the matter was not carried out with them in this manner of understanding and acceptance:

Multiple problems for sexual transients in the Arab world

Sexual transients suffer multiple problems in Arab societies. The least of which is the change of (gender) in official documents, and some even consider them criminals:

But this problem can be much easier than dealing with a society that does not readily accept such matters, and if you accept with great difficulty the idea of ​​turning a woman into a man, the situation will be more difficult and harsh in the case of the conversion of man to woman.

Some also criticized the Egyptian artist’s statement and its release to the public, saying it was better to keep the matter in a narrow range for fear of social stigma that could be exposed / exposed to Noura / Nour.

According to the “Wiki Gender” website, sexual transit is the “change from one gender to another”. Because some people have different expressions of their sexual and social identity than the sex they’re born with. “These people are called transients or transgender people. Sometimes transgender or transit people want medical help to cross or change sex to other”.

One of the problems experienced by passers-by or transsexuals is the long journey that must be taken to obtain the approval of official and governmental medical authorities to carry out sexual transfers, which leads some of them to carry out these operations in secret or migrate to countries. Europeans, while some resorted to suicide. Inability to prove their condition or as a result of community bullying.

