An expat was caught exercising, and this is what happened!


The Internal Security Forces announced that, “today, 05/13/2020, based on a citizen complaint, a patrol of the Ayoun al-Siman family in the regional gendarmerie unit, a returnee from abroad, was arrested on 5 / 5/2020 – and the matter is under house quarantine according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health. The public: was born in 1993 and practiced walking.

An incident report was organized, which will be carried out judicially once the quarantine period expires, according to the reference of the competent court.

Therefore, and based on the national responsibility to contribute to the fight against the “Crown” epidemic, the Directorate General of the Internal Security Forces requests that, upon seeing any violation, they immediately report them to the number / 112 /, or through the social network sites of the Division of Relations To the Public Authority, or through the “Report” service on the website of this General Directorate.

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