An exchange between the future and the forces on the quota system in the government and Geagea’s dream of presidency


Beirut – “Al-Quds Al-Arabi”:

The relationship between the “Future Movement” and the Lebanese Forces party is not good as the forces did not appoint President Saad Hariri twice to head the Lebanese government.

And after criticism directed by Hariri directly to the head of the forces, Samir Geagea, that he was thinking about his personal interest, and after a series of positions of military officials who criticized the method of forming the future government on the basis of it quota system, the Secretary General of the Future Movement, Ahmed Hariri, came out to defend the president-designate and said on Twitter: “Deputies and former ministers of the Lebanese Forces are active in the line of attack against Prime Minister Saad Hariri in a campaign that is running from Maarab, from Hasbani to Qayumjian to Sadiqa May to the site of Min Qadda, to all the voices that bet on the void to reach a chair in Baabda, we say. We are in every way. Time, place, and fake news won’t trade the truth for nothing. Samir Geagea can dream of the presidency and ask the impossible to reach it, but he will not dream of enrolling us in Maarab’s political and apolitical agenda, and we will be on the lookout for any project that leads Lebanon to disintegration, division and ruin.

Soon, former Minister Richard Kayumjian responded by saying: “Dear Ahmed Hariri: Shiloh is the wake under your inner core, which seems to cause you a severe scourge affecting your reasoning and logical thinking. Our only bet is for an important government of independent specialists who are not subject to the will of the political authorities. The agenda of the Maarab Al-Waheed and Samir Geagea project is to build a real, modern, feminine and corruption-free state. It would be preferable if he really confronted his associates in the project of disintegration of the state, the division of his actions and the dominance of Hezbollah over him. Oh God, remove from us the injustice of relatives.

The media department of the Lebanese Forces party issued a statement in which it said: “Mr. Ahmed Hariri surprised us with a series of tweets outside the national context of the events, and in our eagerness to make things clear, we affirmed the following :

First, you said in your tweets Mr. Ahmed that the “Lebanese Forces” are operating in the line of attacking Prime Minister Saad Hariri, but we would like you to be able to show us a statement from the forces attacking Prime Minister Hariri, except that in reality what the former and current ministers and deputies of the “Forces” do is Confirming our position, which represents the overwhelming majority of Lebanese, including the very base of the Future Movement, in terms that there is no salvation from what we are, except with a completely new government formed on different and far-reaching bases from the quotas that were being carried out in the past.

The quota system in new aspects does not mean that it is not a quota system, while the result will be as we saw it with the government of Prime Minister Hassan Diab, and in any case, we only judge the results, and our final position on the government will be after its formation, but the deliberation to this day is not at all reassuring.

And you are mixing, Mr. Ahmed, between the political stance that all parties have the right to adopt on the basis of their national and political convictions and the attack on President Saad Hariri, which did not take place at all. Not everyone who has taken a political position that does not match his political position means that he attacked Prime Minister Hariri, and we remind you, Mr. Ahmed, that the Maarab program is the program to establish a strong republic free from weapons and corruption. .

Second, in your tweets you also accused the “Lebanese Forces” of indirectly betting on the void to get to a chair in Baabda, but tell us, by your Lord, are we living fullness now? We are at the bottom of the void, and no defect, difficulty or fright remained unless the Lebanese citizen is injured as a result of the void in which we have been living, especially from a year to today.

Third, he also hinted in his tweets more than once that the positions of the “Lebanese Forces” were derived from Samir Geagea’s dream of the presidency, and if Geagea had really dreamed of the presidency, his political position would have been completely different from what it is at the present time and always, and if he had dreamed of the presidency, he would have seemed to agree with the Principality and the opening of the door to the right and left, and specifically with the Prime Minister Saad Hariri, who is the second largest parliamentary bloc, and Geagea needs him and others to be able to reach the presidency of the republic, while on the ground Samir Geagea takes the clearest positions in line with popular demands, and further away from the laws. The political game from above. Your accusation of Samir Geagea of ​​seeking the presidency is completely false.

Finally, if Prime Minister Hariri decides to put his hand back into the ruling trio, that is his business, but we in the “Lebanese Forces” are not totally convinced by this experience, and he is not allowed to pay us the price of this sentence.

Geagea had emphasized that “the serious solutions to the crisis we are struggling with are to form a new government that really works and to work in a new way, or to go to early parliamentary elections or both, but what is being done today is completely different from these solutions. They are forming a government in the same way Governments were formed in the past and they refused to go to early parliamentary elections.

Simultaneously, the Maronite Patriarch, Mar Beshara Boutros Al-Rai, lamented “because our political community is struggling to renew its performance and practices, and is fighting against the internationally demanded reform in structures and sectors.” On measuring critical challenges. So we heard about the formation of a quota government, rather than a government that adopts a comprehensive rotation of ministerial portfolios with no exceptions, based on competence and sufficiency. It is absolutely unacceptable for one team to control the government, decide its form, choose their bags, one team, assign the names of their ministers as a team, while the others are marginalized as if they were additional numbers. He added: “Oh influential politicians, stop violating the constitution, the charter and the National Agreement Document. How much do you raise the flag of the French initiative and work on the opposite? Establish a new peace, not a new revolution! They established the homeland of a state, not the nation of states! “

The head of the “Free Patriotic Movement”, Gebran Bassil, considered that “the sanctions should be a motive to accelerate the formation of the government”, and said: “If the intentions from abroad are disruptive or sabotage, then our response must be strictly in front of those who attack us, not to be harsh between us “.

There is a disagreement between Hariri and Bassil over who will appoint the Christian ministers … and Al-Rahi refuses to be sidelined.

He added: “From the beginning we said that we are with the facilitation and acceleration of the formation of the government, and we have not put conditions and we have not clung to a portfolio and we left until our participation in the government or lack of it and the way participation is open, and what we demand is the adoption of a composition criterion to speed up. Despite our false accusation of obstruction, so far we have stopped to give as much opportunity and room for positivity as possible with our feelings so as not to say that we know that intentions are not what they should be. But our indulgence and facilitation does not get to the point where we cannot ask or give our opinion or talk to ourselves, because this is political terrorism and this is the abolition of the self if we accept it ”.

He remarked that “there will be no return to the past and its vocabulary. The mere use of these words is a dangerous indicator for some people to go back to those days, or to imagine that the situation of the collapsed country and the French initiative provide a cover to return before 2005, can anyone believe that only he names everyone? government ministers? Or all Christian ministers in the name of competition and to justify the collapsed economic situation and bet on sanctions?

He called for “the adoption of a single mechanism to appoint ministers, of course, specialists.” But no one has a monopoly on naming specialists as if only he knew or owned them. Each party appoints its ministers and they are approved by the President of the Republic and the government, and that is the logic, and any other mechanism must be one for all.
