An authority that heralds doom without any measure and a touched citizen | Phalanges


The Al-Jumhuriya newspaper wrote:

What is uglier than the failed and senseless measures taken by the authority to contain the Corona virus since its outbreak began, are its warnings that Lebanon is about to approach the Italian or Spanish model or any model for any defeated country. by the virus, ignoring the Lebanese model, which gave an example for each. The world says it is the worst by all standards and the most backward on the planet, in terms of actions by the authority that are limited to catching the epidemic, or in terms of the recklessness of citizens.

It is no longer allowed to remain silent at all, about this tragic confusion that governs authority. Its function is only to warn of pessimism and say that Lebanon is about to reach the red line, while the truth is that Lebanon has already crossed the red line, and the possibility of containing the virus has become impossible in light of what follows from Random procedures, but only nominal procedures.

The obvious procedure in light of this danger is for the authority to take the initiative to confront it with its magnitude, and rush to take measures that have become more urgent, even if they are painful and coercive for all citizens, or more precisely, to all the reckless participants in the spread of this epidemic. Does the authority realize that in countries that respect themselves, citizens do not dare to violate preventive measures, the first of which is mandatory the use of a mask?

The virus is about to invade every home, and the authority has to realize that turning the country into a field of experiments of hasty or rather superficial or improvised measures has only resulted in exacerbating the spread, and accelerating the pace of counterattacks that will not pass for long, with the continuation of this pattern, to register thousands per day. Injuries, and everyone knows that the figures that the Ministry of Health announces daily are not the correct figures, but that the daily figures are appalling, even frightening.

The obvious procedure is to rush into a bold decision to shut down completely, regardless of cost, if this is the only way to respond to the hazard, and not through a partial or discretionary closure of a street here or a neighborhood there or a town there, while the street, neighborhood or other neighboring town is excluded. These locks, as if there is a clean street and an infested street, which is clearly indicated by the recent closing procedures!

The most important thing is to strictly limit the border crossings, and if it is necessary to close them, and the same applies to the airport and its coverage, if necessary, by closing, according to what the countries of the world interested in are doing. their people. As the testimony of many who pass through the airport, what is said about the escalation is nothing more than media talk, and many of those who arrive do not undergo the required controls, although some of them may carry the virus and transmit it! to those who are in contact with him!

Just as it is no longer permissible to remain silent about authority and its delusional measures, it is not possible to silence at all this “empty murmur” of the majority of Lebanese, which is a disease worse than the epidemic itself, whose most dangerous symptom is stupidity and the condescension on Corona, and the insistence on committing the crime against him and his community. Without any appreciation of the danger of what you are committing, which only results from pain and regret does not help, and without realizing that the greatest danger is at the door. Health security is about to collapse, medicine is almost lacking, and warehouse robbers have begun to take it out of pharmacies, and the country is driven into a state of drug bankruptcy, into the bazaar of the drug trade and its prices rise at imaginary levels to which no citizen, no citizen, will be able to adhere.

One last word remains for each citizen: if the reckless citizen does not want to have mercy on himself, he should at least have mercy on others! But isn’t it time for those with exhausted minds to realize the crime they are committing? Isn’t it about time they realized that the simplest means of confrontation and protection is to adopt the obvious, simple and effective preventive measures at the same time, which are adherence to the muzzle, spacing and non-mixing?

Source: The Republic
